Saturday, November 19, 2005

Killer Teddy Bears Picnic

Here is KT and his little family out on a picnic. I'm sure this is going to upset someone too! *sigh*
This is painted on canvas blocks in the 4x4 format. Art Squared.


From Belgium with love said...

Wow TeAnne, just discovered your blog via ArsinoƩ's link. Long time no see ....... thought of you the other day when I was looking in my older maps with aquarelles and saw the monochrome portrait of you I did a few years ago.
Nice blog, good art.
Ciao !
Gilberte from WC

From Belgium with love said...

Wow TeAnne, just discovered your blog via ArsinoƩ's link. Long time no see ....... thought of you the other day when I was looking in my older maps with aquarelles and saw the monochrome portrait of you I did a few years ago.
Nice blog, good art.
Ciao !
Gilberte from WC