Saturday, April 12, 2014


Once upon a night you happened upon me.
Along you came,
oozing charm and skills.
Infiltrating barriers built over time
with vows of love everlasting.
Expertly permeating walls,
strong, stable and erect.
This heart you won,
then trampled.
Now, I'm just a bloody wreck.
TeAnne © July 12.1997

Hypnotising brown iris' and
smiling sensuous lips,
stretched across white even teeth.
Contrast against sun bronzed skin. The conversing of special words
in ears long needed.
Cool stimulating hands,
on warm flesh, forbidden.
Gentle embraces and shared
tender kisses of heart pounding lust.
A gentleman lover of midnight -
Hour of delight.
Daylight brings no regrets
nor utterance of love.
Absent forever but never forget.
My Beautiful Stranger.
TeAnne. Oct. 1. 1999

2. Un-relenting Lust
I wish I could see him again.
I can't help the feeling that I let him slip away.
Something more could have been said
to concrete our lust before good-bye.
My heart is on a constant search
scanning the faces in a crowd.
My ears are honed for his name, his voice.
His manly scent, a nasal memory.
Wandering aimlessly through my dreams of torment
knowing now, that he is lost to me forever.
The seductiveness of the night still lingers.
Astral travel to his sheets of dreams,
where I demand he remembers me.
TeAnne. © Oct 23.1999 

3. REMEMBERED Then Forgotten.
My beautiful stranger thinks he's smart
Toyed and tangled with my heart.
He rang me up on Tuesday night
I thanked the gods for shining bright.
Coffee planned and casual chat
He didn't show, I rang him back.
A drink at seven, "I'll pick you up"
What a fool I was, a sad eyed pup.
Stood me up, twice today
What prank has he in play?
Playing games I won't abide
He did his dash, when he lied.
Types like him, can go to hell
Curling back, safe inside my shell .
I can live without sugar and spice
And the tingles that felt quite nice.
I am deaf to his name and his voice
Survival without him that is my choice.
Astral travel to his sheets?
I'll leave my venom, at his feet.
TeAnne © Oct 29. 1999
We eventually met up and had a great time. :))


An encore of tingles
from hands that caressed.
The pleasure he brought
embraces my mind.
The secret of him
and my wanton lust.
These cravings forsake.
Will I be cloaked in longing…
for he, the stranger no more?
Desire cast aside
and memory abate.
I must give him up…
For true love from one
who is destined.
TeAnne. © Nov. 1999

My thoughts…. My wishes….
Laid aside for one who claims 'true love' .
I dream, of another's arms, softly...
Gently enfolding…I desire…
His kisses…His sensuous lips on mine.

My heart is breaking…
But does my 'true love' care?
Reluctantly.I stand at his side…
My mind...
on my sacrificed lover… He,
who beckons in my dreams.
Is there really a winner here?

TeAnne. © Nov.15. 1999 

    6. Was It Love?

     I don't exist anymore
    Erased from his memory.
    His phone won't ring
    And his house has no number.

    I told myself I was not in love,
    Then why is my heart so heavy?
    Brown eyes flash in my mind
    Night, day, when I am not thinking!

    I only returned the passion,
    That I was receiving.
    He said, I scared him.
    Was this his excuse to ignore me?

    He called me 'sweetheart' and kissed my hands.
    Told me how sensual I was,
    Then vanished from my life.
    Seems he never cared at all.

    I told myself…
    I was NOT in love.
    He absorbed himself into my heart.
    I told myself…
    It felt so right.
    He said the right words
    I told myself…
    DON'T believe him.
    His exciting brown eyes permeate my dreams.
    I tell myself…
    They will evaporate in time.

    TeAnne. © DEC 15. 1999

    To The Beautiful Stranger who is ugly on the inside. 


Where did your kind heart go?

I was overwhelmed by your charm.
You listened to what I had to say
and remembered our conversations.
You made me laugh and feel alive.

In a room full of people
You made me feel I was the only one.
Songs play on the radio
their words express my thoughts.
Why are they always the ones we danced to?

The phone rings and I pray it's you.
But mostly no-one is there.
Blinded by your gentlemanly ways
I refused to heed the warnings
from ones who could see.

I made you larger than life.
Did I speculate too much?
I go from day to day wondering, what went wrong.
I don't understand your need to hurt me.
Why did you not, remain a one night stand?

TeAnne Dec. 20. 1999

8. I will Laugh Last
      I didn't know that I loved you.Stayed in denial, I didn't know I fell.

      One day I will look upon my memories
      and laugh, at how gullible I was to let a Romeo
      like you into my heart, my soul.

      You acted as though you liked me.
      Was it all just an act, after all?
      You played your part flawlessly.

      Winning! At my expense… Big man!
      Did you find another, better than I?
      Was I not good enough. Or too good?

      Building my barrier stronger.
      Even Superman won't penetrate.
      Your piercing brown eyes will not pervade!

      I'll laugh at how blinded I was, to the person you are.
      I thought you were ideality.
      Showing your true colours has revealed…

      'You will end up a lonely old man'.
      And I will laugh as Karma has its day.

TeAnne. © Dec 26. 1999 

The not so beautiful Stranger

9. God's Gift to Woman.

    Well, I'm sure in your mind you thinkyou are God's gift to all females.
    Your beautiful brown Labrador eyes
    can melt the coldest of hearts.
    With flashing Dennis Quade smile
    sends tingles up a spine.
    The personality of Don Juan
    who conquerors all hearts.

    Alas, all is lost on you!
    For I have found...
    The most charming and handsomest of men
    are lacking the essentials
    in the department of manhood!

 TeAnne. © Dec 28. 1999

10. While You Slept

Did you feel me last night? I was there, 
We laid side by side, you thought you were dreaming…
But it was I, tracing my fingertips across your manly chest. 
We whispered sentiments we'd mouthed before. 
Did you feel my breath upon your ear? 
You sighed and moaned my name 
I was surprised that you remembered it. 
I was there, with you between your sheets. 
I held you tight…while our spiritual selves melded. 
I teased and tantalised your body
 until you reached the point of no return… 
Then I left! … … 
TeAnne Dec.29.1999

11. Attributes
His smile was radiant and

His eyes shone like the moon.

His kisses were succulent and

He hugged firmly but tenderly.

His hands were gentle but strong.

His words were sweet and caring.

He made love with affection.

The only thing missing

was the equipment to satisfy.

TeAnne © Dec 29. 1999

12. Strangers and Lovers
The 'Beautiful Stranger' should be thanked, I guess!

For he knows not, that his antics made me stronger.

He, being the inspiration of my artistic creations, and

the awakener of love and desire in a previous lover!

I thought I had found the perfect partner, I guess!

Seems though, he was not strong enough to fall.

Now, out of sight, out of mind I return to life,

resigned to the knowledge that, he will never call.

Truth in the adage, 'better the devil you know', I guess!

Something that was lacking in the 'stranger', honesty!

I know, I was possessed by his charms and facial traits

I see now what is in front of me, one with sincerity.

I feel sorry for the stranger, he is the loser, I guess!

He misses out on the best of me. The part he created.

But, I must thank Barry for showing me who I can be.

Engaged to Daryl again and to his family, I'll be related!

TeAnne © Dec 30. 1999
13. Rose and Thorn

Thorn in my side, to

him I bestowed a red rose.

The prick pierced my heart.

TeAnne © Jan 2. 2000

14. It's Thanks to You

Pain in my life has been much

With this, that and such and such

There and back so many times

Who would trade their life, for mine?

This new year will bring happy things

Its just begun, on my finger, a ring

You're out of my life, obviously gone

I dance now in the arms of an old song.

TeAnne. © Jan 2. 2000

15. His Big Mistake

It is his time to worry
He knows his name is mud
In his heart, he's sorry
but still, he's just a dud.

He will not take the time to say
'I made a mistake, hurting you'
Yet, I know will come the day
when he's thought it all through.

Three little words he'll wished he had spoken
What goes around always comes back
'I am sorry' would not his pride have broken
Manners and morality is what he lacked.

TeAnne © Jan 22.2000

16. Domination

I fell in love...
upon a starlit night.
Glistening highlights from moonbeams,
shone from heaven in your eyes.

From the corner of my eye,

Tiptoeing across nature's skin
Your spirit enveloped and pushed aside
Uncertainties and self-doubt.

Like the Forest,
you overgrew me with yourself
This could not be love!
I felt smothered.

© 21 May 2000

17. I Often Wonder

I often reflect on…'What's his name'?
Viewing his photos closely,
provokes the question of
'Why was I so mesmerised'?

I do remember though, the fluttering of heart,
the quickening of pulse, when our eyes locked
on that fateful night.
And 'The kiss' ohhhhhhhhhhhh!
Whirling into feral sin, five days after.

'What is he doing now'? I think…
Does he share the same regrets?
Or does his differ?
While I tried to hang on
He let go.

I know I am invisible now
But who the hell made him,
lord and master of all my thoughts?.

TeAnne © May 23. 2000

Come! Hold my hand of peace
and walk this freedom road
Watch the ecliptic moons
and see the auras glow
No! don't run from shadows
for I am there for you
We'll run thru' the meadows
in days of gold's and blue.

TeAnne © 22/2/99 


Because of you
I have a purpose
Because of you
I dream
Because of you
My life is restored
Because of you
I have regained strength
Because of you
I am complete
Because of you
I am inspired
Because of you
I take pride in all I do
Because of you
I am euphoric
Because of you
I am possessed
Because of you,
enchanter I am able to love again.

TeAnne...19 May. 1997 ©

Come unto me oh
my masterful one
Shower upon me
my hearts great desires
Cuddle up close now
Oh fill me with love
Let the whole world see
within us, our fires.
TeAnne © 18 Feb 1999 


Come give me love
while spirits glide this ne’er land
and orange embers glow

Embrace this body of humanly flesh
while tree limbs’ waver in gentle breezes
and oceans ebb and flow

Kiss soft lips of cherry red
while rain sprinkles hillsides green
and passions’ flower turns pink

Make love with tenderness
while volcano’s lava erupts
and in deserts the sun burns hot.All rights reserved. TeAnne 1997,1998,1999 ©


How you make me want you more
phantom lover of the night.
Creeping in through my window
taking me, holding me tight.
I sense your arms around me
even though I’m still asleep.
Your warm body so soothing
while from me, my blood you seek.
Gentle are your fingertips
as they trace around my neck
gulping your life’s resourses
with a nibble, not a peck.

TeAnne © 2/2/1999


I scent you with my perfume
I am your body soap!
I am warmth against your naked skin
I am your underwear!
You’re soul is enclosed within me
I am your sock!
I hug you gently around your chest
I am your shirt!
Complementing you elegantly
I am your suit!
Hugging you around the neck
I am your tie.
I am all over you my love and
You wear me well!

TeAnne © 2/2/1999


Hey there! I know you, have
We not talked before?
You’re on everyone’s mind.
You sleaze in once in awhile
offer your worth then sleaze out.
You argue profusely with
anyone who’ll listen.
You’re not always right!
Just tell me what it’s like
To be my conscience!

TeAnne © 2/2/1999

Will I ever hold you, do you really care
Can this dream be ours, this a love so rare
Is this all for real, can we call it love
And many a time you ask "Is this a blessing from above"?
I’m here and you’re there
Will we ever meet, should we ever dare
At night in my eyes are tears
Will they, wash away my fears
of what you might be doing now
I long to be with you, but how?
We look beyond the silver lining
and vow eternal love undying
What my love, are we to do
When all I want and need is you
How do we quell our lust
Do desires just crumble and turn to dust.
We get to know each other well
But without you, life’s a living hell
It all began, end of May
and constantly to each we say
"I am yours and you are mine"
in a little chatting box ON-LINE.

TeAnne © July 17. 1997 Footnote: We did meet and try to love each other!

I saw the hurt in your eyes, on the day I left
Again you stand before me, dependable and strong
You, my past love ready, to forgive and forget
Our lives together preparing to re-live.
Non-judgmental, you ignore my imperfections
allow me to be myself, and encourage my strength.
You don’t pass judgment when I’m wrong and
my opinions you nourish.
You don’t rant, yell and ravenor want me as your slave
You stand by me with trust and respect
when I’m down you re-assure
with your arms you protect.
You are my salvation, my perfect mate
I’m glad to be back with you,before it was too late.

TeAnne © Jan 2. 1998 (Footnote:) Daryl and I married on 16th March 2001 after 11 years together. :)

Of you visions imagined.
Of lips wrestling mine
and setting free
the taste of insatiable hunger.
Invisible fingersreaching
across time and space.
Tickling forgotten desires.
Reality forsaken
For one more daydream.

TeAnne © April 20. 1997


The death of me was swift
once I’d made up my mind
Old, fragmented memories dwindled
gone rapidly and left behind.

Time has come anew
Re-birth imminent, made possible by courage
and determination, grew.

Vanished are indignation's, insipidness and faux pas
Entered, assertiveness, desires for giving
and reasons for living.

Then came you, overriding self doubts and has-beens
Taking up residence within my heart
Sight unseen.
I hope you will stay!TeAnne © July 26. 1997

Did I conceive you, an Effigy? 
to captivate my heart, 
dare I ponder this,
 lovers you and me? 
Stand still my heart,
 burning desires aching,
 real in my chest.
Vast seas, distance shores
 separate looming passions 
and thumping hearts
 as you pledge love for me. 
Searching in dreams,
 dreams half forgotten
 half awakened in restless sleep.
 And secrets,
 illusions kept from open eyes 
Dare I too, utter this crux, 
conflicting torture, my mind, 
stealth, enslaved, oh my effigy. 
TeAnne © April 25 1997

Embers Relit

I was getting along just fine
Until you happened along
Stirring up the embers
of an almost extinguished flame.

I'm not sure how this happened,
You know we are only friends!
Then you spoke something, that
tingled my spine erotically.

I must re-build my walls higher
I cannot let you in here.
I do not know you properly
I have never seen your face.

Touching you would be majestic
If you were not so far away
My heart beats are skipping
As I lie here, thinking about you.

© April 10. 1999

© 1999 TeAnne (All rights reserved)

~*~ Far Far Land.~*~

I ventured to a far, far land
to visit with the SensiTyzRR man.
He gave me a silver band,
he said " Life will be Grand"
as he held my hands
he told of plans
and made his demands.
To me all was bland
I took a stand
so now here I am
Back in my own far, far land.

TeAnne....Nov 8 1997


With no name
and no face
he comes to me
from somewhere.
Wasting no time,
for lastingness
draws near.
We meet
in dreams,
we who
know in reality
not of each other.
Known only in slumber
who we are.
I read his mind
and he reads me too
we make endless plans
and perfect love.
But ne’er a thought
in the wakeful
hours of a new dawning.
Again strangers become.
TeAnne © Dec 27. 1997

You’ve ignited fires from within 
for so long dormant embers laid 
Fuel these flames of passion 
with your gentle words and praise 
Stroke these coals of burning life 
let them lick and melt your heart 
Hot and glowing around 
you my heated arms enfold 
Allow the stormy winds to scatter
 the ashes of the past 
Words gone before don’t matter 
Tis now and forever 
let this fervent fire last. 
TeAnne. © Nov.13. 1997

First Kiss

The awkwardness of our first kiss
at arms length a quick peck
Eyes downcast in shyness and panic.
The innocence of our love with
thoughts of seeds growing
from lips upon lips.
A first love a childish crush
So real were the heart flutters
when arms first entwined
built with confidence
over time.
The growing anxiety of our
eleven year old minds when
we began to notice others
and knowing that heart break
was imminent
Then wandering eyes would
fall upon another and the
first innocent love would
be swept away forever.
Never forgotten.

This is for you Michael, wherever you are.

© April 9. 1999

By TeAnne

© 1999 TeAnne (All rights reserved)

In the sphere of darkness
When all is serene
My haven complete
Enter not this sanctum
I hold so precious
For I dream -----In black and white?
Nay 'tis true colour!
Images from the mind
Kaleidoscopic studies of yore
Deathlessness ne'er to pass
from this very moment
Movement through space
Serenity is mine!
For I dream -----In my haven complete TeAnne © 6 March.1999



my mind

searched for one


I could find



called me

only valentine.

tell me why do I….



Lonely and blue.

TeAnne © 13th Feb.1999

I didn’t Mean To Forget You.

(Pantoum Style)

As gentle as a summer’s breeze
I felt the ghost of your touch
Whispered words reverberated.
Then your face loomed above me.

I felt the ghost of your touch
Like a fingerprint lifted off my heart.
Then your face loomed above me
I didn’t mean to forget you!

Like a fingerprint lifted off my heart
The moment was so fleeting
I didn’t mean to forget you!
You’ve re-appeared to remind me.

The moment was so fleeting
Now I know I’ll never forget
You’ve re-appeared to remind me
I do remember the life we shared

Now I know I’ll never forget
That moment in your arms and
I do remember the life we shared
You touched a special part in me.

That moment in your arms and
Whispered words reverberated.
You touched a special part in me
As gentle as a summer’s breeze.

TeAnne © June 12. 1999

I like
The sound of crashing ocean waves
the summer heat
the green of  the grass
the mountains blue
The rain on the roof
And you.
Whispers in the dark
the coolness of an ocean breeze                                                                                                                   the wind in my hair                                                                                                
Ice on my face
And you
I love
The scent of a rose of red
the rhythm in a song
the purr of a cat
the power of love
the hues of trees in spring
And you
Walks on a sandy beach
the sun on my back
the moonlit nights
Stars so bright
And you.
TeAnne...April, 30. 1997©

I Just Wanted To Touch You Babe. 

I just wanted to touch you babe 

Inspire in you, our love to save.

I was crazy and did not care 

Used to hold my head, in the air. 

When I saw you with another girl 

It threw my head into a whirl

I just wanted to touch you babe 

Inspire in you, our love to save.

She and I, looked into each’s eyes 

I rolled my own, and gave a sigh 

I could not believe you didn’t wait 

Seems I became just your casual date

I just wanted to touch you babe 

Inspire in you, our love to save.

You filled my head with promises to come 

It seems I was not the only one 

Escaped my prison from another’s arms 

To be with you. And your animal charms

I just wanted to touch you babe 

Inspire in you, our love to save. 

TeAnne © Jan 24.1999

It was a tall order 
falling in love with you. 
I did it though, because 
I thought it was right, 
at the time.

It was a short stint 
being in love with you. 
I survived it though, because 
thoughts and dreams 
were mine.

It was a piece of cake 
breaking up with you. 
I carry on, because 
I know it's right, and 
to die inside would be 
a waste of time.

TeAnne © Jan.22.1999

He said Her name.
He lives in her memory
when she is all, alone.
The tears stain the place
where, her head reclines.
His picture faces the wall
she speaks of him not.
Broke her in a single heartbeat
when in his sleep
he said her name!

They had been friends and lovers

with their 'Silver' celebrated.
She was like a well-worn Teddy
only accustomed to love and hugs.
She lingers day to day now
a newly single woman. For
the other one has her mate.

Tell tale signs confront

If only she had seen.
Working late, missing dinners.
His excuses, always vague.
Why oh why…
was she the last to know?
Then in his sleep
he said her name!


May 22. 2000

In Dream State


Dreaming often of a meeting.
In pure elegant surround, 
Your room in the penthouse
Our meeting place of secrets.

You and me slim and sleek
You're tall and virile and
Me, I'm dressed all in satin
A negligee of milk white.

You pick me up, easily 
This me, a slip of a feather
So confidently you lay me
Across the king sized bed.

I am all breathless and sweaty
Thrashing around this expanse
Then I awake and I am alone
Was only the dream I have often.
 © April 18. 1999

© 1999 TeAnne (All rights reserved)

I cannot alter the way I see
I cannot block you from me
I turn you are there
You seem so near
your eyes like neon signs
I see them as plain as day in a dream
You overtake my nights
I want you to release me
trespasser in my mind.
TeAnne © Jan 29.1998

In A Writing Mood
I'm in a writing mood
yet lack a subject matter.
Just to be understood
maybe I'll write a letter.

It could contain "I miss you"

or "Please come back to me"
maybe words like "I love you"
they seem meaningless to me.It was over long ago
when we said good-bye.
The stars have lost their glow
up in that pitch black sky.
The moon was ours
you shared it with me
only now its very sour
when I look up to see.
To write a letter of love
I'd need to feel the passion
I'd need to be in love
but ours is out of fashion.
TeAnne © July 14. 1999

I was on the labour table
you were by my side
holding my hand with a smile
wide, upon your face.You bent and kissed my hand
you loved me so very much.
Then I gave a final thrust and
baby was placed in your arms.
You held him ever so gently
you kissed his furrowed head.
I saw much love in your eyes.
You mouthed "Thank you",
and kissed me tenderly.
To see you both together was a
fulfilment I will never forget,
and all the kisses in the future
could never outshine the one,
you gave me at his birth.
TeAnne © 16 July. 1999

                                     Unperfected world, dull with drab hues
                              But you paint I will, in colours of love.
                              My aim,
                              To caress with each brush stroke
                              Your bodily curves and concaves.
                              Colours bold and bright, rich and pure
                              Lights on your skin will ripple and glisten
                              as these strokes progress.
                              Each dot and dab lovingly brings you to life
                              A sculpture my priceless treasure.

                              TeAnne © Aug. 5 1997 

Call it what you will
little bird on my window sill
Of all my secrets, you do know
for on my face I wear a glow.
Each day to me you listen
of all desires I be wishin’
Understand, you do it well
only you, these things I tell.
Whisper to me little bird
what he said, what you heard
Did he say our love is real
as for me, the same he feels?
Did he say our love is strong
sing it to me, sing his song.
I know our secrets are safe with you
Alas, whistle and chirp, is all you do.
TeAnne © Dec 28.1997

" Love Lamented "  
TeAnne © Jan 31. 1998 

Come tomorrow
I’ll remember you
in my dreams you will stay
filled with such sorrow
Will it always be this way
So soft is my pillow
it reminds me of your flesh
You bent my mind and body
like a willow
Was this all in jest
So long the wait
for our love to bloom
now our love abates
and lingers
in our darkened hearts of gloom
These feelings we shared
and thought would last
Are they becoming a faded
memory of a sad and distant past.

Ten Times Over

In ten seconds, you said good-bye
In ten minutes, tears welled, I cried
In ten hours, I was a mess
In ten days, pills to combat stress
In ten months, a brand new life
In ten years, another man's wife.

TeAnne © June 8. 2000

I remember the reasons we married.
We made our promises’ never to part,
We vowed to keep them… Till death!
We chose each, above all others.
We shared our lives and our love.
When did the magic go?… That fire!
I once saw sunshine in your eyes,
When ever you looked at me.
I had no reason for shade, when
I wanted to bask … Eternally!
Those sunshine eyes turned to flames
and in them, blazed angry pyres.
You gave such burning glares… I charred!
Then you met another. You chose her,
over me. Your inferno gaze
backfired. Your prize, cremation.
You 're now reduced to… Ashes!
I remember the reasons we married.
We made our promises’ never to part.
We vowed to keep them… Till death!
TeAnne. © 13 Sept. 1999

The meat market is choice tonight
young, tender hind quarters,
gyrating on the dance floor.
Her glass is half full, she sits alone.

She eyes a blonde at the bar
who gives her the once over.
He decides he likes what he sees
wanders to her table, he will get lucky.
Wife and baby at home, forgotten.

TeAnne © June 14. 2000

You say you love me
But you don’t talk to me
You say you love me
But you cannot see me
You say you love me
But you try to control me
You say you love me
But it’s wrong
Don’t you see?
For if you loved me
You wouldn’t try to change me.
TeAnne © Feb 7. 1998



                                    You are the chosen one
                       power these frozen wings
                       fill me with wonderment
                       these tethered dreams
                       undress my mind
                       illusions of desired bliss
                       on the hunger in my psyche.

© TeAnne Feb 19. 1998
A Yellow Mellow Evening.
An outing to the beach
where Dolphins swim and play.
We placed the rug on the sand
Later, here was where we'd lay.

We renewed our vows openly
our only witness, the sun.
We cared too much to be apart
It brought us back as one.

Yellow mellow evening
when twilight was new.
Sitting amid prismatic,
colours of pretty hues.

The evening air became fresh
and night was rolling in.
He put his arm around me and
pulled the rug toward my chin.

TeAnne June 8. 2000

Mind Unwind

You, oh man of fickle mind 
Invade my logic, unwind 
Life all mapped out, secure 
You came tapping at my door. Love me you could not, you said 
To another I ran, from you I fled. 
What is it you want from me 
Our lives together, I cannot see.
So why now have you come back 
Is comfort from home, you lack? 
No room in my heart anymore 
Closed and bolted is my door.
© 18 April 1999 
© 1999 TeAnne (All rights reserved)

TeAnne.© Dec.17.1997
I miss your boyish laughter
and your tender kiss
Your manly arms that held me
Your gentle caress
I also miss.
I miss the softness
of your words
in my ears, your whispers
I miss your beaming smile
across your supple lips
The scowl across your face
when things went amiss.
I miss your cryptic
and funny lively ways
The sensual feel of
fingertips on fingertips
and your happy wakeful eyes
All these things and more,
I truly miss. 

Gaze lovingly into my eyes
As your fingertips gently caress
The contours of my face, my neck,
My shoulders, my breast
Gently enfold me in your arms
And press your lips to mine
and mingle our kisses
With gasps of breath
Hold me close in naked splendour
As you whisper words of love
I long to hear
Hold my hand and my passion claim
Lay me down on petals rare
And indulge me in the pleasures
of ultimate paradise, embraced
Take me my gentle Eros
As we explore
Our inner sensuality
For only you and I can share
My destiny lead me.

                           TeAnne. March 30. 1997©


Never were you a passing phase
feelings we shared never forgot
memories  love songs renew
the feelings almost lost
Became we
victims of love casualties
of our hearts Essence
alive retain we must
site of our memories keep
in focus lose Never
Together our time lingers
still Let our love
be lost forever  NEVER!
TeAnne ©  Jan 18.1998
© 2000 TeAnne (All rights reserved)

Fingertips, you promised would thrill
leave me cold to the bone a chill
Our future, a fable it didn’t work
Promises, only lies. You’re such a JERK.
A bully you are I succumbed
traveled from afar
To have you hold me and tell me lies
Now all our hopes and dreams have died.
Escape this entanglement I must
to the safety my land, my home the ones I trust.
Where once again I’ll be at peace
dreaming alone dispelled and released.
TeAnne © Nov.4. 1997


My summer breezes
and your winter chills
an ocean apart.
With each of our pleasures
came penalties of pain.
Your voice on the line
in my ears linger
Sleep haunted by your kiss
Your laughter echoes
in days of loneliness
Our time together,
seemed a moment only
Why did it not 
forever last.

TeAnne 1998

Power of Suggestion
Tell me it's all true   
That you feel the same   
Tingling in your heart  
It isn't just a game. 
We'll meet at midnight   
When I am fast asleep   
You will slip beside me   
And in your arms I'll creep. 
We'll be lovers of the universe   
And soar the celestial skies   
We will envelop the darkness   
The only heaven, for you and I. 
 © April 10. 1999  
Contemplated endings and significance of denials 
for what is existence my central axis 
without you life of recluse? 
Falling for you again is madness 
encore the song you wrote 
Like your harmonica the toying of this heart 
kissing the corners of my mind 
delving deep searching my obscurity 
My love has no beginning no end 
no before no after 
It just 'is' An empathy.
TeAnne 1998
Reigning Love
TeAnne © Feb 23.1998

Once in a state of lone star
housed a prince of enchantment
thru' digital data he journeyed
to a distance down under
and a chance meeting
with a princess of discontentment
So at length their souls touched
the princess to his side he summoned
her dragons he promised to slay
and she to love till death do part
and the people applauded their quest
Night to day journey long
by land over the seas by air
she plunged
The princes' home his castle
enter his realm of obedience
and battles loud
for the prince had duties acquired
and pleasure neglect
All she wanted was to "Stand with him on a mountain"
Discord and displeasure abstruse
so on judgment day she fled to her land
Though still discontented the princess
and the seducer the prince
a day will come when love all do concur
they will equalize
and together reign.
reminisce, the time in love we fell
My dreams I dream, I dare not tell
While too
Your dreams, a mystery remain
Your private life,
delve, I must refrain
You say "One day soon, we'll be as one"
and talk of love and life to come
But, in your night too
dreaming , are you
Of our future and moments we'll share?
While I
in my daylight hours wonder
of ways to show you
I need you
And let you know, I love and care.
I dare not ask these things of you
"Do you love and need me too"?
But you may ask these things of me
Open and honest, you know I'll be
And dare this question, do I ask
For only you, the answer know
"Is my love, all you want and need"?
It was you, who in my heart and soul
the tiller and sower of the seed.
TeAnne.©..July 21. 1997
This poem was written for a very special man, who in turn wrote one for me.
                You walk the meadows of my unconsciousness
                          weaving threads in dreams
                          You, a tantalizing stranger
                           from another time zone
                                another shore
                              I can only reflect
                              with bated breath
                               in time elapsed
                         What excitement, sensation,
                             Your face dominant
                              minute by minute
                                Your energy,
                                  your will
                                 tugging me
                             Repress aspirations,
                           A chance I don’t stand
                        The undertow stronger than I
                                  You win
                                Declare I do
                                my love today
                            TeAnne...June 24. 1997© 

On this day, one short year ago, June twenty four  I told you, I loved you, I wanted you more.  Today, of that love ‘The anniversary’  and it aches to tell you it’s over. 
As I compose this last poem to you,  I have your tear soaked  dog eared picture by my side,  I try to recapture those lost  heart and soul feelings, of a love  so giving, so honest, so sure  and I curse, the day it died.
Under my pillow, once your picture laid  placed so carefully, as I slept and prayed.  It helped me in our love feel secure  and every time I looked at you  my imagination and desires procured. 
Until we met!
My heart was ripped from my chest  and it felt like an army had marched over it.  What is left of this passion so hot?  It’s a shadow, a ghost in a mist,  all that was, inside is crushed!  Only the carcass  remains.
Where once the upliftment you gave  filled my dreams and kept me excited,  has gone, lost, unable to salvage. 
You are so special and  I did love you so.  But our imperfections, stepped affront  and tore us in two.  I do know, that a loyal friend is you  and I wish you well, in all you choose.  I hope and I pray  we each find our happiness
Some day!. 

                    The poetry of TeAnne © 1993,1994,1997 & 1998 All Rights reserved.
Hold me in your dreams
don't let me slip away
One day, I may return
Our special love reclaim.
For now, only
We must live and love apart
Just a simple wish I have
That we love each other
like we did at the start.
TEANNE © Dec 24. 1997

The haunting music dead of night
sleepy time visions as they drifted, limbs entwined
Telling to each of what they saw, behind closed eyes
He became the wolf, so powered by hunger
for the slight dingo so free!
She flaunted her scent so wantonly
Over shifting deserts he trampled
and seas his spirit soared
he sensed so strong, She went that way!
Melodies guided him to wander the edge
where he heard from well tuned ears
his name she called
carried by her summers' breeze
Battling natures hazards he looked to the moon
and howled his delight
The eclipse of their souls can be heard most nights.
TeAnne © Mar 31. 1998 (Re-write 13 Sept 1998)
Spring time again in my heart.  
Skips a beat when you say  "I LOVE YOU"  
I dream of these three words  
whispered in my ear as you hold me close  
So lonely without you near
Heaven in your eyes I long to see  
Your touch I long to feel  
Is it all make believe  
Can our love become reality  
How can I express to you  that I love you too.
TeAnne...12 May. 1997 ©
It’s so cruel to see
The pain in your eyes
And upon your face.
The way you struggle
To take a few steps
The time it takes.
I just take a walk for granted.
Your face has aged
In the nine years
We have been together
And it breaks my heart
To witness what you go thru’
But your life
Is in your own hands
For mine are tied
There is nothing I can do.
I wish for a magic wand
To make you better.
All I have to give is love
Compassion and me!
*For Daryl*
TeAnne © Jan 24. 1999 
I found in you the secret to happiness
your eyes hold truth,
love and tenderness 
On your face are lines, 
of compassion and kindness. 
with your arms, 
you wrap me up in completeness. 
In your heart lays the house of forgiveness. 
I found in you, a sense of 
Your calming ways, 
a relief to all stressfulness 
In your hands, you hold my world with fondness 
You will never be the master of assertiveness…  
This knowledge guarantees a life of contentedness. 
 TeAnne © Jan 5.2000
Adhere your lips to mine  
and kiss away my doubts 
 Explore my inner purpose  
embedded in my soul.
And count the times I cry  
Feel me tremble in your embrace  
Taste the salt of my tears  
as you gently kiss my face.
My aches and stress  
darling, soothe away.  
To mine, your body press  
and let me gather strength.
Take this broken heart  
gently, in cotton wool wrap.  
Falling in love again  is not easy, 
when love is far away.   
TeAnne © April 20. 1997

What is this you do  
am I a challenge  
you set for yourself  
Am I to bend  to your advances of seduction  
Will I become  
just another notch  in your ego  
Win my heart and trust  
then what ? 
Cast me aside  
used and abused  
just like others before me 
Is this my damnation  
my lot in life?  
For what is this fools fate  
so tired of dreaming  
a dream that will never be.
TeAnne © March 30. 1998 
Obstacles hitherto perplexing
mountains steep, towering, daunting.
Ahead wearisome on
Each stride, step an effort
sure footed not.
On rocks and stones I stumble, I fall, I sob.
Driving force worthiness prove,
Headlong trudge journey on,
Ascending the zenith threateningly distant,
a labyrinth voyage pessimistic laden.
Fractured thoughts deprive abating endurance,
my existence hence.
TeAnne.April, 28. 1997©

Our love is like a tidal wave
crashing, churning
violent waves of uneasiness
Stormy agitated, silence
                                 in our hearts.

Like sand in my eyes
are the tears I shed
Words of love, walking
on fractured crystals
                              So alike, you and I.

Capricorns, straying off course
Innuendoes, out of character
and strips torn, from
precious memories
Wind swept dunes
once high with respect.

Oh this night I dream of
returning to the primrose path
with serene waters and warm sun
and our love maturing
with no turmoil and
                                aching hearts.

                            TeAnne 11 May 1997©

Room with a view  Spacious, lovingly kept
Swept clean of debris  Freshly painted  In shades of love  And tenderness.
Immediate occupancy  In central surrounds.
Males need only apply  For this re vamped heart.
Payments in advance  Of truth, honesty and  love
Permanent lease required!  Payments due, daily.   
TeAnne © 17 March 1999. 

The sound of breaking glass 
Heart threatening to deafen Silence! 
Squeaking floor boards. 
Moon captures steel 
Bulging eyes! 
Flesh weakening 
Bodily functions. 
Strangled scream! 
 TeAnne © March 7.2000


My arms ache to hold you
a need, to have you close
Like a plant without water
I, too do shrivel and die
When I walk the desert sands
You become my oasis
When I feel the fires of hell
you are my ladder to heaven’s peace
When I swim the oceans vast
You are my sprawling shores
When I climb the rugged mountains of life
You’re a-top, me to greet
And when we go our separate ways
the void, this gulf, too deep.

TeAnne © Nov.13.1997

You were once my protector
And mediator of my sanity
Last night you fell into my dream
And I awoke in sweaty wonder.
For this night you must have heard me
You heard my saddened wails
This was not supposed to happen
To have a dream of you is immoral!
You were once my loving husband
We share a Son and that is all
So why were you in my arms
And me in yours, holding strong?
We danced and frolicked in the rain
Then, inside we strolled so happily
We made love, yet again. As we used too.
Before our lives together fell apart.
I don’t know why you came back
It has been over for nine years
Is your spirit soaring across the plane
To ease these, my painful years?
Were you my true soul mate after all?
TeAnne © 18 Feb. 1999 
Droplets at the water’s edge, prior locale of hanky waving her spouse’s welcome. Sunday afternoon, tea sips with ‘Helen Steiner Rice’, mouthed under full umbrella shadow. On bended knee at the water’s edge, tomorrows’ memorabilia flashing loneliness to come. Un-kissed pouting red lips mourning formless ashes, housed in the Urn sprinkled by his widow. TeAnne Feb 29.2000 * Helen Steiner Rice – Greeting card poetic verse writer.
We Did It.  
© TeAnne Feb 18.1998
            We did it at home 
                 we even did it alone 
                       we did it in the shower 
                          even at odd hours 
           we did it in a parked car 
                we did it under the moon and stars 
                   even in restaurants and bars 
           we did it in the street and parks 
              even after dark 
           we did it in front of others 
              even to each other 
           we did it 
                we kissed. 

A common word for it is love
What is it really?
How much do you give
and what amount of taking is enough?
The intensity now dulled,
a passion once hot forever cold!
Thoughts diminished and replaced by nothingness.
Am I dead?
Inside, no emotions no pain, no tears.
© June 5. 1998 TeAnne

Father Time rang the doorbell of her mind he whispered words that she had keyed away 'What have you done with your life girl'? Mother Nature mirrored back her image... Showing mountains and valleys blocked from view. 'You haven’t weathered the storms very well, have you'? The weary mother of five sighed heavily.  Beatings from a drunken husband, recorded a broken nose and twisted limbs, arthritis filled. How had she coped? Tears glistened she had earned the right for ‘self pity’ She rebuked Father Time and Mother Nature How much more to endue before they set her free? TeAnne © Feb 28.2000


My best poems are never written
They stay locked in my brain.
I want someone to invent a thought processor
To pick up my thoughts, as in my bed I lay.
At night in the dark, poems flash and flow
Rhythmically inside my mind.
But as soon as I try to capture them on paper,
Or when I try to speak them out loud
They have escaped, back into fogginess.
When I wake in the morning
It’s like they never where!
They have vanished as quickly as they came.
Please someone, I implore
A thought processor to record my poems
As they live.

TeAnne © Dec 26th .1998 

Changes IMLife. 
AKA Menopause.

I love you
I hate you
You thrill me
You disgust me
These feelings
I have no control
Come here
Hold me!
Go away
How dare you touch me........
Speak to me Darlin'
We don’t communicate enough.
I don't want to hear........
What you have say is trivial.
Tell me what you did today?
Don't talk
You are boring me.......
Be still
Don't move
Let me touch you.........
Get out of my face
Can't you see.......
I want to be alone!
Please don't leave me.
Drink in the venom
From my gaze
Spit out the anger
from my mouth!
Just see me through this.
The changes in my life
Try to love me!
TeAnne © March 13. 1999 

Buried in the furrowed wrinkles of time
Blackened moonbeam shadows,
life’s tightrope. Blind.
An urgency grows, down deep inside.
Slithering shadows, life’s energies, stream,
metamorphorizing deception, something sown.
Unclothed bloodsuckers, blood lines embellishment.
Hovering, mocking, chafed by chattering mouths.
Sycophants playground. I know I can’t hide.
19.April. 1998 © TeAnne


I wrote a hating poem today
about a very nasty person
They will never see it though
How I vented my hate and anger.
My man won't let me post it
says the dog will whine and bite
but I don't care, revenge is sweet
Because I vented my hate and anger.
I do feel much better though
Only wish this dog could know
how hateful and nasty I too can be
When I vented my hate and anger.
TeAnne © June 5.1999 

I like many things in life, I like life.
Life with love, rhythm and rhyme.
Rhyme and reason, a life on the wild.
Wild wind in my hair, the air of  freedom!
Freedom to be whoever I please.
Pleases me to jot  my clichés.
Clichés written in my diary, daily.
Daily Journal on life’s exposés,
Exposés rich in all that I see, is poetry
Poetry, my rationale for life in rhymes.
Rhymes of love and life in rhythms
Rhythms of oceans, the world of  life
Life, that I see in love, a vision from a Poet.
TeAnne © 1998

Life in boxes
Sounds of good-bye
Seeing sadness
In an old friends eye
Friendships bonded
For many a year.
Glistening in eyes
A solemn tear.
TeAnne © Dec 27th. 1998 

Mix into a melting pot, life’s blood, sweat and toil.
Take several tears, add a dash of love,
hate, heaven and hell.
Sprinkle in self doubt, courage and failure to taste.
Then boil rapidly, three babies, two husbands, some mates.
Add a few laughs, frowns, smiles and fear,
Let simmer for less then a century of years.
Splash in booze, arguments, death and rue.
It’s important, not to cover or stew.
Spoon out onto a bed of roses
 garnish with thorns and success.
Serve accompanied with life’s graces
with hot flushes and stress.
This recipe has filled a family of three.
April 19. 1998 © TeAnne

I turn blue, on days when  forsaken
I turn green, with hateful jealously
I turn yellow, when melancholy mellow
I turn purple, when I pray to ‘Royalty’ above
I turn orange, at ‘that time of the month’
I turn red, with rage and occasional power!
I turn pink, when all my hopes collapse
I turn black, when the past wont come back
I turn white, when I feel righteous
I turn grey, when inside I die
I am a rainbow, I have no right to be racist!

© TeAnne. Sept 21.1998

My favourite time is night!
I wish a wish upon the stars
as I gaze towards the sky.
I wish the wish, with wishers
as I pick the brightest one.
I pray my wish comes true
as they sparkle up above.
The twinkling brilliant colours
stark, against the blackened sky.
It’s my favourite time of night
and I wish for many things.
Can they brighten up my being
as they encompass the moon!
TeAnne © Oct 6. 1998 


Coffee and Ciggies the crux of my woe
wherever these drugs take me, no one knows.
Morn and night the fix I must have
a lesson I learned, from me Mum but not me Dad.
The ciggy, it fills me lungs with tar and stuff
For thirty-three years, enough is enough!
The coffee, I love it, it gives me pep
Better get me a cup, to stop me stress.
One bloke don't love me, cos I do these things
tells me it's suicide  and it's a sin.
But if you're  addicted and the habit can't kick
You'll do anything really, for another *‘ines’ fix.
* ‘ines’. Caff- ine, Nicot- ine.   

I must not cry, be sad, or angry
I must be cheery, smile and be happy.
On this, two double one triple nine-day.
Today I must write a poem
My superstition requires it
For whatever I do today
I know I will do all year round.
Past from generation to generation
Mother to child these words of wisdom.
“What you do on your birthday, you will do all year round”
How dare I be the one?
To break this family tradition
could become a major crux
for if I don’t write today
I may never write again all year.
TeAnne © Jan 2. 1999 

    Walk the corridors of my mind
    seek the dungeons of my soul
    Tell me how bad I am
    Then throw away the key.

    Travel the terrors of my past
    cut the ribbons from my eyes
    Tell me I am punishable
    Then throw away the key.

    Open the windows of my life
    sprinkle salt upon my wounds
    Tell me it's all for my own good
    Then throw away the key.

    TeAnne © Sept. 26. 1998 

Travelling a road to nowhere 
Travelling a road to nowhere 
Nowhere my hat to hang 
Hang on to old dreams 
Dreams of days younger 
Younger then, You and I 
I live leisurely  in a forgotten heart 
Heart of cold and dark 
Dark days without you by my side 
Sideways stares as I amble 
This road to nowhere.
TeAnne ©  13 Jan. 1999  

At the end of the day
I have sucked up
All of life’s knowledge
Good and bad mingling
To make up a somewhat me.
I know my motor is burning out
And is hard to replace
My head is worn and bent
The cord of power is failing.
Worn out and over worked.
Too many years of abuse.
At the end of the day
Who will empty the trash?
TeAnne © 20 March 1999 

What is Wrong with This Picture?
This picture of me
This 'Dorian Gray'
only the picture
don't change
I do!
All the grief
anger and tears
the shadows
the evil,
all pretence shows
But not in the picture
before me!
It sits mockingly
in gold leaf frame
all young and pure,
while I...
am surrounded
by material substances
Ageing un-gracefully.
TeAnne © 29th March 1999 

Running on and on
heart pounding
getting nowhere
all in slow motion
as the nightmare
raced on and on.

TeAnne © 26 March 1999 


What is my purpose?
my name means nothing,
It belonged to another.
I will never be uttered on lips, 
by significant others
unless I err!
Of what do I signify?
eyes rove over me,
but I am un-remembered in an instant.
unless I appear strange!
Mountains I will never move,
my peers I will never lead. 
I speak and no-one listens unless I blunder.
A sketch in someone’s memory from my past maybe,
where my purpose once meant something, 
before my usefulness declined.
For what purpose do I exist?
What more is needed of me?
Why am I...........?

TeAnne © Jan 9.1998

On the TV screen, 
it's been awhile 
since they graced our 
shores with smiles.
"Words are all they have"
they sang, but we all know
that's not true.
Spics and Specs
they became for a time.
While in our hearts
their songs lived on
in memories
of younger days gone.
Professional Aussies,
still True Blue.
TeAnne © 29th March 1999 


Thorn in my side, to
him I bestowed a red rose.
the prick pierced my heart. 


AKA TeAnne

I went to his side
Blinded then, I did not see
he was just a man!

Changing of seasons
brings discomfort to people
in all walks of life

Programs on the screen
Repeats over and over
Useless rotation

Cat on totem pole
does this make him a polecat
Has me wondering.

Golden summer days
humid evening's delight
silence is heedfull

Dreaming hopefull dreams
rain on the roof with book in bed
lazy days ahead.

Play on lights darkness
Deep forrest pathways scatter
Lost in feral night.

Contented to be sober
Eight hairy legs crawl
This is my first Haiku and I am proud of it.:))
There has been a debate as to how many syllables Arachnophobia has. " Webster's Dictionary of the English Language" a * rach * nid (that is for the spider part of it) then looking up phobia. pho * bia
A * rach * no * pho * bia 
TeAnne 2014

Friendship Poetry

 Dearly missed are my friends. 
from where flowers grow. 
They blossomed daily  
with verbs and nouns and 
the suns golden glow.
Upon meeting they, 
with arms outstretched 
always a warm welcome 
for any unknown and me.
But times have changed and  
I had to moved on, before 
I wilted and died, 
or caused any sorrow.
I will welcome them  
with my arms outstretched,  
and my heart always open 
if they should one day follow.
TeAnne © 21 March 1999 

roseNothing is more beautiful than a flowering friendship.

Right or wrong, to make a choice
How does one know wrong from right?
Playing from the gut instinct
Or listen to an inner voice?
No matter what road or path
Someone's heart is left weeping.
You on right, they on left, me center
caught up in the aftermath.
Turn back time, to choose again
No point, destiny is written
With friendship so strong, I know
I made the right choice, in the end.
TeAnne © 2nd April. 1999

Come this way but once
and I'll greet you with a smile.
Come this way but twice
and I will speak with you awhile.
Come this way but thrice
and I will make you my friend.
TeAnne © April 3. 1999

My friend who was lost to me 
Found her sitting there 
Alienated by others 
Who differ to me and her. 
The wedge driven between us 
Was wide enough to repair 
We talked of many things 
Just like we used to, but 
Some tension was still there. 

Time will heal our wounds 
we'll be as close as we were 
We'll be strong and carry on. 
And stand together as a pair. 

To make mistakes is human 
Listening to others was our err. 
They want their pound of flesh or 
Scapegoat, they just don't give a care 

We missed the fun and laughter 
The trust we built and shared 
The stories and poetry swaps 
Though I am here, she is over there. 

But we have news for them 
That will stir a hornet's nest 
When they find out that … 
We will stand united, and  
tilt our noses in the air. 

 © April 25. 1999 By TeAnne
© 1999 TeAnne (All rights reserved)

F riends are chosen, the only needed
R equirement is giving along with taking
I nterest in another’s well being and
E arning each others respect, being there when
N eeded, and not put each other
D own.
S hower with trust and watch their friendship grow
H ands outstretched, beckoning, come
I nside. Gather love, compassion and a sense of
P ride. Knowing your friend is happy and was treated well.
TeAnne © May 2. 1999

His name is famous
but I won’t tell.
For his fans he writes
his music he sells.
His poetry is young
smooth, complex, yet pure.
He would bring happiness
to a girl next door.
He writes of love
loneliness and friends
and brings forth honesty
yet sometimes pretends.
Though my knowledge
of him is limited.
In his band with song
He is un-inhibited.
He is young and tall
has hair with length.
Delilah could never deny
this boy his strength.
All the young girls
bow down at his feet
even pledge death,
for a chance to meet.
The hour is late now
for this Bopper must sleep.
Hang your heads girls….. Sold
your souls only to weep.
TeAnne © May 12. 1999
*This poem was written for Taylor Hanson. When I thought he was a friend. 


He badly treats you and you admit it.
You need someone new, but you won't permit it,
The magic, for him is gone,
he leaves you sad, lonely and forlorn.
You write to him and his reply you wait
but for him, he is busy, his hour is late.
He makes excuses for his delay,
you plot revenge, how to repay.
How it was you can't forget,
like strangers now, who have never met.
My friend, it's time to move on ,
to linger is wrong.
Start your life anew.
Hope! This belongs to you.
TeAnne © July 21. 1998

The Sale. 

He sold the lot
All the pans and all the pots
Along with the curtains and the carpet
But, the fridge was not for sale!
he said to the long suffering wife! "Dear............
Where else would I store my beer? "
18th July © 

    KILLING TIMEJust sitting here killing the time
    It's going slow.
    Spending some,  here on-line
    It's going slow.
    Waiting for the days to go by
    It's going slow.
    Wishing they would just fly on by
    Pack my bags to leave this city
    Won't look back or show no pity.
    Met my friends, we spent our time
    Drinking coffee, one had wine
    Had some laughs and a smile or two
    We'll write our poetry, about what we do.
    TeAnne © Dec.21.1998

       To my Texan Mates 
      thanks for your welcome 
      each and everyone. 
      I loved your carefree ways 
      and sincerity, times of merriment 
      and good  old fashioned festivity.                        
      Under your wings with  love and concern                                                
      you made me feel  special and warm.                        
      My trip was very worth while                        

      For on a Texan face,                     
      a friendly wide smile.                        
      A stranger no longer,                        
      nor just a handle  nor a number.                      
      You welcomed me into your lives                         

      This one from Down Under.                        
       For this I send to you                   
       a wish for the best,  for love,                     
       health  and happiness.                       
       This tribute I make to you.                             
       Your mate with hugs                         

       Aussie True Blue.                

                             TeAnne © Dec 27.1997

ROB G'Day Mate! You’re very special to me My “Big Brother”! Never, condemning Always there, with a friendly smile!I want to visit- You say! “Hey, stay awhile”. A friend I can count on when things in my life go wrong.Many timesyou have given encouragementto have faith in myselfand to follow in what I believe.Always coming to my rescueWithout you, insufferable despairwould have been enduredYour generositya debtI can never repay.All I can offer is love and respectA true friend You are the best! TeAnne © Jan 3.1998