Saturday, April 12, 2014


Thorn in my side, to
him I bestowed a red rose.
the prick pierced my heart. 


AKA TeAnne

I went to his side
Blinded then, I did not see
he was just a man!

Changing of seasons
brings discomfort to people
in all walks of life

Programs on the screen
Repeats over and over
Useless rotation

Cat on totem pole
does this make him a polecat
Has me wondering.

Golden summer days
humid evening's delight
silence is heedfull

Dreaming hopefull dreams
rain on the roof with book in bed
lazy days ahead.

Play on lights darkness
Deep forrest pathways scatter
Lost in feral night.

Contented to be sober
Eight hairy legs crawl
This is my first Haiku and I am proud of it.:))
There has been a debate as to how many syllables Arachnophobia has. " Webster's Dictionary of the English Language" a * rach * nid (that is for the spider part of it) then looking up phobia. pho * bia
A * rach * no * pho * bia 
TeAnne 2014

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