Saturday, April 12, 2014


And She Sang...............

On Sunday afternoon we decided to go to the pub,
to listen to an 'Asian' Country & Western band.
We ordered cokes and sat down at a table,
near the stage in our local suburban social hub.
Then with great surprise she was invited up on Stage.
She sang an old song about boots walking, in a voice
so rich with power unflagging . The crowd tapped
their feet and sang along to this old classic adage.
My heart swelled with pride when she sang "Let Me Be There"
a touching song for me. My eyes broke out in tears,
thinking about all that I had missed. Justine's voice was filled
with richness and purity, something similar to Cher.
My niece is a treasure a beautiful Pearl *.
TeAnne © June 15. 1999
* Pearl is her stage name.

Our name has hate in it
when it is said or written.
Given to me to have and to hold.
It also has a ley (pronounced lee)
Likened to a sprawling meadow
Of auld Scotland’s reign.
Some pronounce it hat-el-y
But that’s not how it goes
Some even forget the two e’s
And we are left with y.
When all put together it is easy
Only two syllables is Hate-ley
so important to the clan.
It’s my son’s Celtic heritage
Please deny him not
of his birth’s right name.
Terri A Hateley (Now known as TeAnne) © May1. 1999
Inspired by all the people who spell/pronounce the family name wrong. And written for my Son.

I am dreaming of a life's tomorrow,
full of  pleasure renowned.
In my dream there is peace,
there is silence, there is credence.
There is beauty, unbound.
There is a cleansing, their is a reason.
There is a creation.
There is a young lady, more than a friend.
There is a harmony, there is a season.
There is my daughter.
TeAnne © Oct.15.1998 

© TeAnne Oct.13.1998


Cascading lustrous red hair
Eyes of blue and skin so fair
A young lady friendly, and full of cheer
And friendships bonded, firmly adhere.Blessed am I to have Erin as my daughter.
I thank God for the day to me, He brought her
Irish by nature and by name
Also a temper  she must  restrain
Deep down buried inside,
her secrets she'll often hide
Won't tell a soul if in her heart there’s an ache,
Keeps it to herself. For advice, she is reluctant to take.
In the right direction without any fear
Approaching adulthood So near.
TeAnne 19/12/93©

A Mother’s life is up and down
Deserver of the Majestic crown
and silk and satin, in it’s place
on her body, trimmed with lace.
Now her brow, once wrinkle free
you can see the lines of her memories
Once a girl of glamour and curves
little ones come, she’s ready to serve.
Mothers’ too, need tender love and care
for her offspring, always there
No matter if her hair be grey
her smile will brighten up your day
We know her work is never done
She’s never out having fun
Never at night
Needed at home, to keep things right.
Her children are her main concern
won’t ask anything in return
Gifts of silver, diamonds or gold
Are not apt. For this lady bold.
TeAnne © 16/12/93

Mother’s Day
It has been two long years now
Since you passed away
You know that if you were still here
I would tell you everyday
How much I love you, but
I can only pray to God above
To wish you Happy Mother’s Day
And pass along with it, all of my love.
TeAnne © May 3. 1999

My Missing Link

A Poem for Justine Marie.
I felt like I was an orphan
when my parents died
Often filled with self-pity
I sat alone and cried.
I had my kids and a half Sister
but still I felt alone
Then one day a stranger's voice
echoed, across the telephone.
I played the machines message
over and over times three
"You don't know me Terri
but I am your niece"… Family!
Taken aback for a moment,
I didn't know what to think!
I knew I had to meet her,
for she was my missing link.
She rang me back again
and we made plans to meet
But during the phone conversation,
from my eyes, tears began to seep
She sensed the tears in my voice
and said she knew my street and number
So within the hour she was at my door
and my heart began to thunder.
I knew this girl was family,
the spitting image of my Sister
And she too could not deny,
said I was the image of her Mother.
For many years she knew not of me,
though I knew of her through a letter
We told our stories we left out none and
showed off photographs of each other.
We found our paths had crossed so many times,
in various States across our land
We had lived in the same towns and cities,
so near, yet worlds so far apart.
I am happy to have her in my life,
I hope we become the best of mates
For family means the world to me,
she's the link, that was missing from my heart.
Drawing of Justine. © Aug 1999 ~right click for larger view~ Artwork TeAnne© Aug.1999 TeAnne. © June 6. 1999 

This Boy

Always a talkative, jovial young boy
and giggling girls, he likes to annoy
He will grow a lot and then
in his heart will burn a  yen .
One day he’ll go away and marry
over the threshold, a wife he’ll carry
A carefree life will long be gone
vanished rapidly, his hopes so strong.
A house, a car, a bike, in dreams
and little children in his eyes a gleam
Responsibilities are sure to come
for now his teen life has begun.

Of his accomplishments, I am proud
these to you, I could brag out loud.
Adventures and heartbreaks, a plenty there will be
and success will not come cheap or free.
His future holds a lot and more
providing he chooses the right open door.
He will learn a lot through his growing years
and come a time I’ll cry my tears.
I know that I am a lucky mum
You see, this boy, Andrew
‘He is my son’ .

TeAnne 18/12/93. © 

Gladys Mavis Hardie
25/DEC/1919 - 27/FEB/1997
"FEBRUARY 27TH 1997" April 12 1997
(To my Mother)
You, to God succumbed
He took with Him
from me away.
Your loving arms around me
I will never know again
from my birth to womanhood,
you shared with me my growth.
Once faded memories, now renewed
and fresh in my heart, a new pain
will linger.
You opened your eyes and smiled
recognition, for only a moment,
Your fragile arm around me
You nodded as I spoke.
In your drug dazed mind and body
I prayed you understood.
Tears glistened in your tired
frightened eyes
And I unwillingly acknowledged,
that your passing - the time -
had come this day.
The cancer embedded deep inside you
strongly held you in it’s clutches
I helplessly watched you,
as your breathing ebbed away
Words of comfort, I could only whisper
and ‘I love you’ passed my lips.
The days go by, I sit and remember,
all you meant to me
And as I journey down this lonely road,
with my memories inside of me,
locked, from all who near,
I realized, I am not alone, at all
For you walk beside me spiritually.
We will meet again, I’m sure,
when God says it’s right.
Again you will hold me
And I will feel secure.
TeAnne 12/4/97

MY MOTHER’S MIRROR.....Sunday, May 11, 1997
In my Mother’s mirror
white plastic trim
standing cold, compassionless
magnifying reflections back
Exposed, her creation
blood, hair, features, flesh
only surface see
non -dispirit all other
Enlarged eyes staring
elongated, times five
confused, thoughts assemble
embedded deep
All seeing, all profound
Diary of year after year
loss, love, life, loneliness,
happiness, bitterness,
pain, death
Privy the secrets
She carried solely
Her musings, visions
Buried in this world
My Mother’s Mirror.
TeAnne Sun.May 11, 1997
"NOW AN ANGEL" April 7 1997
Oh Mother, why is it so hard for me,
to write a poem of praise
in your honour and your memory
and of the day you passed away.
It is all inside my heart,
these things I need and want to say
But bottled they are and
them I can’t release.
The words will not blend or flow
Because I try to choose them well
and tell it like it was
I try to write them down
but the key won’t open this lock
Maybe I should try, again
When the pain is less
and the the good memories evolve
For now,
All I see is pain and sorrow.
TeAnne 7/4/97

DEC 3. 1912 - JULY 12. 1997
Dad 1945
This page was built 15 July in memory of my Father
(Thanks to Jeff for re-sizing and framing the photos on this page and Mum's page)

SLEEPLESS © July 23.1997
My beautiful Angels
once two beautiful people,
in your own way
Oh, how I miss you
and wish you had stayed
Now you’re up there,
not here, to guide,
or disburden my fears
If only in vision, my bedside
you’d visit
and reassure,
You’re both okay
I see you in my sleep
but thats not the same
I waken to find
It’s only deception, my memory
from whence you came.
TeAnne .©..July 23. 1997

IN MY FATHER’S MEMORY ©July 15. 1997
My memories of you Dad
of all you said and did
Some are good, some are bad
Plenty are happy but some are sad
I didn't get to say goodbye
Your hand I couldn’t hold
But our good-byes were said,
just five short months ago.
I sat upon your knee
We held each other tight
You shared your pain and grief
with me
and for Mum our tears we cried.
It was then I could see,
I saw it in your eyes.
With her is where you longed to be
So now, alone I cry.

I wasn't by your side
and oh how quickly,
you've abandoned me
I can love you more, now Dad
Then I did, before you died
So rest In Peace and be assured
That in my heart I know
You and Mum are together
both resting now
angelically undisturbed.
TeAnne © July 15. 1997

MY NIGHTMARE © July 14. 1997
Daddy is a wild beast ranting
One eye, looking, roving, staring
Daddies dying
The cloven hoofed one’s waiting.
Turning into Mummy
Peter, he’s calling for Peter
Who is Peter?
I am Terri, I’m over here Dad
Daddy calling to ‘Jesus’
But he’s an atheist
Skin yellow, everywhere blood
I see no wounds
I steal Mummies breath
Daddy steals mine
Gasping, I awaken
I can’t breath
cold, so cold
I don’t understand
Has Daddy taken his last?
TeAnne © July 14. 1997

I had this nightmare on the 20th May 1997. It scared the hell out of me. I just had to write it down. 

"Dad’s Sorrow" 12 April 1997
All alone you sit
in wonder
what of your life now
Your love, Your wife
has gone
to a higher place, beyond and vast
Listless you sit
and remember
Life as it was with her
all those years past.
Your tears of grief lay dormant
in a heart of heavy regrets.
Daddy, I would take it all away
but I carry inside, all you feel
The sadness of my own
And already,
I share your sorrow.
TeAnne 12 April 1997
I see you everywhere 
Your face, your eyes, indelible 
Mother close, your spirit 
I feel you near  but 
No second chances 
No conversation hear 
Too late for regrets. 
What to do? 
Falls on ears, invisible 
 Words written unable to send.  
I have become a wild goat want to rant scream and shout 
You’re not here to comfort me 
Oh how I remember  arms strong, secure the feel 
This lonely hackneyed  journey on. 
 Times alone 
My solitude precious and frustration incurable  
When I am troubled and inside hurt 
I pray again soon we will unite. 
 TeAnne.....May 11, 1997

R ebirth of the soul in
E venings night
C elestial beings, Gods delight
O rion's Belt holds no bars
V enus with out stretched arms,
E veryone welcomed, entering
R ealm of love and light
Y our loved ones, beget
TeAnne © Feb 18. 1999 

How life diversifies
you and I.
We thought it
made in heaven.
Swollen belly,
you jewelled the finger
How circumstance
wedged, voids
loving another
made readily.
How blood keeps
bond shared
You and I
live endless
in Son's
life source
we created
Now you see,
can still
TeAnne © Oct. 28. 1998

Down to Earth Poetry

Today I'm feeling moody and down
‘Cos the once blue/green seas
have turned a filmy, murky brown.
What do you feel or care?
If the earth of trees, it's bare.The world is overheated and the sun is hot
About the future, you just forgot.
Our rivers and oceans house no life, only a festered stink,
Birds and animals, for them to breathe, you didn't even think.
Plastic items, [to save money] you didn't keep,
You only bought them on special, cheap.
Away you did throw
Now the trees, plants and grass wont grow.
This world you took for granted, is years, millions old
And you were careless, ruthless and bold.
Your throw away style of life
Has made it hard and full of strife.
Now the earths dead, decaying and barren
But you and your carelessness aptly carry on
Throwing your recyclable away
Lucky if we survive another day.
Your great- grand kids will never know
How it felt to taste the fresh food, we could once grow
In days long gone.
Did you need it written on neon?
Don't worry about the destructive muck
Why not pass the malignant buck
You will say with a smile and no shame,
"Its the ozone layer, that's to blame".
TeAnne ...ALL RIGHTS RESERVED...15/12/93. ©
This poem has been published in the "MIDWEST TIMES"  Geraldton Western Australia's local newspaper. Sept.1997. & in "PRINCESS POET'S REVIEW" Vol.1.Issue 10. P O Box 238 Norwood, North Carolina. USA 28128. And was featured at this site,to save the World Poetry.(Now gone)

 I am Mother Nature's creation
 I am made up of gasses, minerals and nations
 I have served mankind for many years and
 I too, have troubles, frustration's and fears.
I feel pain, when a 'For Sale' sign is hammered into my soil
 I cry out when a hole is dug, by those who toil
 I shriek when a bomb makes a new crater
 I choke when a fire is lit by a traitor.
 I feel pain, when you drive over me with a truck and a car
 I gasp for air under concrete and tar
 I weep when I bathe in foul water, that's soggy
 I sigh when a tree is cut, like a limb from a body.
 I feel pain, when weighed down by buildings too tall
 I howl when you take from me, my life's resources, all
 I smell strongly, my doom, is beckoning
 I'll vent my revenge one day, then man can study this reckoning!
TeAnne © Sept 16. 1998 
The GRAND Mother. 
Mother earth bleeds her molten mud and fire
rains her tears, bursts her banks and mire
Her soil cracks in earth-quake frustration
and cyclonic breath, in anticipation.
You go on and on, with your assault
Do you blame her, for her revolt?
She tries to re-build her outer shell
So us, the humans, won't burn like hell
Wake up, you mere mortal inhabitant
Save our house and all that's significant
all living creatures, need to roam
‘cos’ once she blows, you're all alone.
Falling debris from outer space
put up there, by some human face.
Don't you know it's your responsibility
to let it not end in catastrophe?
Keep the skies blue and pure
Dismantling the bomb, might be a cure!
Be kind to our 'Mother Earth', she's all we've got
before you know it, we'll have lost the lot.
TeAnne © Sept 18. 1998 

There Used To Be Trees In The Year 2000 
  • When all the trees are gone. CHOP, CHOP
    We will sing 'Rock a Bye Baby in a ___ Top'
    When lover's go walking, they will lay by a rock
    Under the burning sun, blistered with sun shock. 

    There will be no birds left to sing sweet lullabies
    Animals extinct, who will answer the whys?
    Loggings been exported to overseas lands
    To be imported back as sawdust and fine sands. 

    Wearing our oxygen masks night and day
    Futures children, 'What is a leaf?' will say
    Autumns colours of gold, yellow and red
    'Liquid Amber' trees so brittle and dead. 

    The books that held the knowledge of these trees
    This fleshy pulp, gone. Not recycled properly. 

    There used to be trees in the year 2000! 
    TeAnne © June 13. 1999 


 He came the other day
 He must have heard my
 I un-wrapped it and I promptly
 Hugged him.
 “Thank you” I said, “It's just what I wanted”
 He smiled and nodded.
 Then he was gone
With a Merry Christmas and a wave.
 Back to the North Pole I guess.
 All I need to do now is dial up my
TeAnne © Dec 24. 1998 


Christmas time, full of enlivened cheer
Fridges full of ham, turkey and ice cold beer.
Decorated with tinsel the tree and walls,
Even up the blinkin’ hall.
After the pressies, all unwrapped
Paper and ribbon, scattered, all for scrap.
The clothes don't fit, come shopping day, return.
Toys broken and fractured are ready to burn.
Kids bellies full of lollies and cake
Hubby drunk on the floor I reckon he's flaked.
All the money that was spent
In twenty four hours wonder where it went.
Leftovers eaten on Christmas night
All this extra food, it can't be right
Got to eat it before its rotten
Starving children, much forgotten.
“Wonder what its worth" I say
“To cancel this overrated Xmas Day?"
                        TeAnne ......21/12/93©

# 1.                       SPECIAL DAY (Special people!)
Santa rides a Harley
at the same time every year.
He comes in all shapes and forms,
Bearing gifts for children
who are sick or dying,
in hospitals across the land.
He rides with his elves
who are as big and burly as he.
Roaring up the highway
in packs of hundreds or more.
These rough, tough bikies
have a heart of gold
and the interiors of pussycats
who play Santa,
on this special day every year.
For the Children.
TeAnne © Dec.12.1998 

#2.         SANTA IS FAT!
Christmas in the outback
is hot dry and barren
with 150°F in the kitchen
and 100° F in the shade.
Santa sits on the veranda
sipping ice cold beer from
his esky, (filled with ice)
He is in his singlet, shorts
and thongs. While his elves
splash in the creek over yonder,
and their counter-parts
are knee deep in snow and
catching the flu or worse.
Santa loves the outback
for he is not required to
to climb down chimneys in red suit
and get stuck and have his beard singed
by smouldering embers from last nights
winter fires in lands
on the other side of the world.
Mrs Clause, feeds him, ham
turkey, chicken and roast pork
with baked potatoes and pumpkin with greens.
Followed by rich plumb puddin'
topped with cream and custard.
Is it no wonder he hates climbing down chimneys?
On Christmas Eve.
TeAnne © Dec. 12. 1998 

#3.                CHRISTMAS CHANGES.
How some things change.
Six years ago
We drank beer
and ate Christmas dinner.
We celebrated your birthday too.
Dad, you and I,
we got drunk and had a great time.
Six years on, I don't drink
You and Dad have moved on,
to a higher place.
No Christmas dinner
No birthday to celebrate.
Cancer ate you and
Daddy died of a broken heart.
Cancer now eats my cat
and I am an orphan
who hates Christmas.
Some things never change!
TeAnne © Dec. 12. 1998

#4.              LETTER TO SANTA 1998
Dear Santa,
I am writing this year to ask you a few questions!
When I was a little girl, did you ever read my letters?
They were addressed to you at the North Pole. And
were never returned to me as “Return to sender”
I didn’t ask for much. I only wanted what other little
girls were asking for. I was telling the truth, when I said I had
been a good girl all year. Did you not believe me?
Every year, you passed me by.
Not one dream or wish did you ever grant me.
“Why was this, did I live too far out of town?”
Every year my lip lived on the floor on Christmas Day.
But every year Mumma said. “Hang in there love. There is always
next year.” “Never give up on your dreams or wishes or what you believe in”.
Now that I am grown, I find it hard to believe,
for I have never had a dream or wish come true.
So, I was wondering if this year, you would just
read my letter and grant me an over due wish?
I have been a good girl all year. You have my word on that.
Let my Mumma's words not have been uttered in vein.
Please give me back my little girl dreams and wishes, for
all I ask is “A Reason To Believe”!
Yours sincerely
TeAnne © Dec 12. 1998

Never Judge an Egg by it’s Wrapper.
On the out side
Decorated in delicate
Silver foil.
Reds blues, yellows
And a chicken or two.
Peel off and reveal
On the inside
All brown and
Meltingly soft
On the tongue.
And all will ooze
The creamy innards
Of  sugary goo.
Yummy I say….
But, look at the new
Spot on my face
And the inches added
To my hips!!!!
TeAnne © 31 March 1999 

The Chocolate Freak

I don't know why I'm doing this.
Declaring secrets of utter bliss.

Was asked by a poet to tell him why.
To reveal the potion of why I'd die.

Dare I tell him it's just an egg?
Or should I, on his knees have him beg?

Yellow centre surrounded by white.
There goes the diet, I took a bite.

Into pure chocolate, sinking of teeth.
Sticky mess, from my head to my feet

Cadbury® Creme eggs my Easter treat.
No more diet, I admit defeat.

TeAnne © March 11. 2000

My Sweet Addiction

I gaze at its oblong form, 
plump with fleshy colours
And nuts embedded with 
jellitized cream centralised.

I guide it towards my mouth 
and moisten my parted waiting lips.
My tongue flicks around the moist fineness 
and I savour the not too sweet taste.

I nibble at it slowly and delicately.
and let it linger on my taste buds 
anticipating the bulk before I swallow.
Such blissful, guiltless, indulgence.

So moist and full of raisins, walnuts
and topped with shaved glacè carrots
Accompanied with cappuccino and artificial sweetener.
Oh carrot cake, carrot cake. My sweet addiction.

TeAnne © Jan 11. 2000




D uplication of your keyboard mind
E xactly to your letters
A lternativly sing song same
T uned finely these
H aunting words sounds
T easing tunes a different beat
O penly sung from another's mouth
C ould it be
Y ou have a twin
B ecause these words I see I hear
E tched across my space memorized mimicked by a
R omancing stranger
L ingering forever
O n-line
V oices eager to hear words to see
E lectronic death to he tries to replace you. TeAnne © March 29. 1998


The screen is blue and all a glow
Program set and ready to go
The cursor gives a flash and a flicker
But the mouse has a claggy clicker.The cursor still flashes, I've plenty of bytes
I set the tab from left to right
Insert a character and the data dated
My back and neck have coagulated
Tap a few keys and enter press
Made a mistake, must egress
before the power fails and all's deleted
better rescue what I've completed.
All systems on an even flow
Then why is ‘A’ drive proceeding so slow?
The magnetic layers gone wrong,
I've lost my list
There's’ a loathsome virus on my disk.
TeAnne © 21/12/93

 ESCAPING! © April 14. 1998 

Select any key and the instructions that follow,
Telling me to
Escape reality for
Periods of up to
Several hours in
Time. Conversing and laughing
On-line with you, where it always leads to
Blissful insanity. Does
Life exist beyond this point?
I don’t remember life before all this.
States of confusion with
Silent kisses that go on and on,
Floating in space for eternity,
Universally linked are our
Lips. How many kisses are up there?
Instantly it happens,
Night turns to day as the interactions entrap. The
Seconds ticking away our lives, while
Another day has slipped away and your
Night has appeared all too soon. You and
I must sleep. Anxiety replaces the
Tingling sensations that were
Yesterdays delight.
Untold blissful insanity
Never felt this way in
The real world, where
Others do not understand
Love on the internet is really only a
Date in space to fill in my realties escape.
TeAnne © April 14.1998


Daily on the Internet
No need to turn my TV on
Love is all around me
He loves me, he loves me not. It never changes day or night
Someone has been hurt
Another's heart is broken
Another crashed and burned.
It is all make believe
But do they see that?
No, for I have been bitten too 
He loves me not, he loves me.
Sweet nothings whispered
Into microphones on chat
Others in E-mails back and forth
A lover bites the dust.
Tap, tap, tap, ICQ is knocking
A stranger has come on-line
Another soul mate in the making?
Nay, 'tis another victim, 
On here to try his luck.
© 27 April. 1999 By TeAnne


I have to laugh at the antics 
on the Internet sometimes.
Type the right words on the computer 
And someone falls in love! 
Yes virtual lust is everywhere 
And pain and heartbreak too. This virtual realities motel rooms
Host the goings on, 
of affairs and one night stands
They think they are doing no wrong.
Incognito the lovers all think they are safe
and there is a place 
that will cover for them at a costly rate!
A company in England will sell insurance
For your marriage to stay in tact.
They will send your spouse flowers 
While you're 'on that business trip'
Even provide business luncheon statements 
For your yearly income tax.
Oh yeah, it's a wonder world of mayhem
Out there in cyber space, 
with deceit and lies and cursing 
and name calling, love and hate.
So much trouble and pain
for those who used to have a life
when there are jerks with lurks
Who prey on the emotionally weak.
Someone steals another's lover
Then it's on for meek and bold
The blond with the sexy picture
Is really seventy one years old.
I have cried but mostly now I laugh. 
The wrong 'soul mate' taught me how to doubt.
Deleting key performs its daily task.
Keeping my sanity on this cyber route.

TeAnne © 27 April 1999

© 1999 TeAnne (All rights reserved)

There used to be real people in the land of the living world.
Now, they stroll through ‘cyber-space’.
Virtual reality has become their everyday social pleasures.
Women abandon their kids and husbands
for a thrill with an avatar! And call it love.
Men desert their wives for some blond sexual illusion.
No need to leave the confines of your four walls for a date,
fine food is not needed anymore.
Just grab some toast on a plate (If you haven't forgotten to wash them.)
Theatre and museums are all out there on the Internet. Culture at your fingertips.
Inter phone your lover and your friends and see their smiling faces in a box.
Float around the globe on a mouse's back as your vehicle. Save on petrol money at least!
Find anything you need, to get in or out of trouble.
Just be in the wrong place at the wrong time and your name is trash!
Honesty, friendship, love and truth are loosely bandied words.
Typed from loose fingers to your eyes when they're needed most.
There's no pity for the vulnerable, the hunters will seek your loneliness.
You think you're safe by the miles between you.
It's your mind they want to possess.
They tell all the lies they want to, you won't know the difference.
You won't see them laughing. Chances are,
you may never see them again, or they will just change their  name
and start the deceptions all over again.
On here you have to be tough
Sling  back the muck and give as good as you get.
A few good people on here are few and far between.
Honesty is rare and love is just lust.
So to all the newbies, prepare yourselves for the ride of your lives
on this
Virtual super highway of fantasies, harassment and lies.
TeAnne © 30 April. 1999 

    OUR POETRY GARDENSo many boards to choose from
    So little time to read and reply.
    This GARDEN is my salvation,
    When I enter these pages of truth,
    It feels like I have come home.
    So many friends to greet and
    So many hugs to collect.
    Opening these pages is like
    Peeling back the petals of a rose
    to reveal a perfect rosehip, the
    Seed of continued beauty.
    I always come to the GARDEN first
    It’s where the sunshine is the brightest
    And the Poets are the best.
    I can think of no better place
    to spend my Christmas.
    TeAnne © 13 Dec. 1998


Cyber Creatures of the night
sauntering the wastelands
of our hearts with
their faceless names
The creatures don't care
as they feed on our
cravings for love.
They come in droves
to seduce our loneliness
with words that thrill
to posses the weakest.
I have been snared
by a new love tonight.
TeAnne © 7 April. 1998


How did I get back in this rut
The dog is barking
what a mutt!
The cats' in the cupboard
and cannot see
For when a stranger calls
that's were he'll flee!
My kids are telling me
about their debts
We’re all in the same boat
You bet!
Forget any help from there
oh woe,
grumble, sigh and despair!
The dishes overflowing the sink
well my man won't wash them
The fink!
Floors to sweep and clothes to wash
Now how did that happen?
a lonesome sock!
Solution, only one
find a chair for my bum!
Fire up computer, go on-line
*giggle*and tell all my friends
Hey mate, everything is fine!
TeAnne © Dec 29. 1997


"An Ocean Lullaby"
(Collaboration between TeAnne & Elle ~Poetess~) 1998©

Softly the ocean hums its lonely tune
while from lands of dreams he comes
She waits!
He walks the night with pounding heart
the moon lighting each step
Will he reach her in time
He listens a moment only
The ocean, distant
quietly singing "Hurry, hurry"
Sitting still, she listens!
The ocean collapsing on the sand
its melody,
reminiscent of old melodies
of the once forgotten lands
lightly the breeze caresses her hair and face
a single tear glistening on her cheek
The waters lap at her hem-line
The hour is late.
Two lovers coming together
a forbidden love to share
It seems an eternity
since her exile she escaped
Five long years of empty arms
forbidden lovers driven far
For when they unite
Again two worlds will be as one..........
Elle ~Poetess~ & TeAnne  © Feb 20.1998
The Best of Evil (Collaboration)  

Hearts, love and flowers poetry I abhor
been know to write some myself, I confess
Give me blood, guts and evil by the score
watch me clamour for the evil booklets.
A heart dripping with blood is more appealing
Than the broken love hearts in my face
A poem with guts and gore is more pleasing
Well it gets this black heart to race!

Yes, my black heart has been called a bitch
No love pumps through these veins
My man calls me the West’s wicked witch
I get a kick out of driving him insane.

Hearts, love, and flowers, always on the mend
Reading of desire and longing is so wearing
This poetry is not at all my best friend
always repeating the neediness and yearnings

Black poetry is what I require
To keep this black heart beating
It’s the devils love I desire
Don’t come to me with your weeping.

TeAnne & Maureen/Moonchild © July 18.1999
Collaboration. Danny Pogue & TeAnne © Oct.4.1998

I'm at the ‘Weaver's Mansion’ with people all around, 
though I stand within this crowd, I’m standing all alone! wouldn't understand, I can’t face you yet 
I will be home later, when I have curbed this loneliness. 
They look at me here and snicker, behind an open hand 
You’d think I had the plague, nevertheless, I like it in this place! 
It’s where I don’t feel unhappy...... 
and I can loose it, in the music from the band!
I’m not so very far from you, just two miles down the road...
There is a ‘magic weaver’ here, and there’s a dream, I long to unfold.......
I need to sit awhile and fall under his spell, and I’ll be home soon,
it’s a promise, just after another nip or two.!
 ‘cos’....I see beauty in this place, although it is not for free,
Damn, this rickety bar stool, or was that really me?
I greet my friends.... they just shrug and pass me by
Now I ask you, what’d I do, what’d I say, I am asking why?
The lights are elongated as my vision becomes a blur
I am trying  to speak but my words, are all coming out a slur.
I spent all the grocery money, I swear, on just a few beers
I came here with a friend, but now, I don’t see him anywhere
I hang onto the bar, as my permanent support...
you see, the patrons here pay with their lives,
their families and a lost rapport.
A song, a joke, a glass of ale a moment from the ache
escaping world  that never gives, just one more glass, is all it’ll take
for then, for just an instant, I am more than I can be...
I look the weaver in the eye, and know the thread is me.
Danny Pogue  & TeAnne ©  Oct 4.1998 

DEATHToughness, the mask
I wear on the outside
A cast, of hardness, while
On the inside ....... weakness
I wear a mask of smiles
where on the inside are tears
I wear this mask of liveliness
to cover a mask of death.
                                         TeAnne & Professor Gloom © 16 Feb. 1999 
Port Arthur Massacre  (Sunday 28th April)
Collaboration ThunderStorm and TeAnne © Oct. 1998. 
The day dawned like any other on the peaceful Tasmanian Isle
People woke in different moods, for some a day of toil
While for others a day of rest,  on their face's a smile
No one could have imagined the horror, about to spoil
Bustling in the streets, as tourists ambled through Port Arthur
Admiring the beauty of the Apple Isle's terrain
Stopping off for morning teas, or a day of praise and worship
Then pandemonium erupted, tranquillity  was slain
The madman dispersed his deadly venom, coldly he took aim
Hostility in his veins, he fired randomly with ease
Heedless of their injuries, he lined up his next victim
This cold-blooded killer caused chaos with each trigger squeeze
Oblivious to cries of pain, relentlessly he shot them
As life ebbed he cared not for the unfolding tragedy
This lunatic continued with his cold-hearted massacre
He played a game called god whilst the innocent lay bloody
Mothers, lovers, he cared not for these families ripped apart
A nightmare so gruesome, innocent children their lives cut down
What possessed this man, on Sunday April twenty-eight
Never to be forgotten, the slaughter of a peaceful town
Likewise the helicopters who carried the victims away
He shrewdly shot at to add to his horrendous crime
Worldwide the news of his murderous spree was relayed
The world caught up in horrified awe of this shattering time
Despite hostages, the police did finally apprehend
More than forty lay dead from the insanity in his head
This carnage should never have been allowed to happen
Blatant disregard for lives had lent him in his stead
Incarcerated for lives taken, he lives freely in his cell
At the Governors pleasure and the tax-payers expense
Where's  the justice quoted in the bible "an eye for an eye"
Public outrage as through the Courts he holds appeals forth hence
So many families will forever be marred by this man
The answers to this day are still not at all clear
A peaceful island shattered by the loss of those held dear
Gun laws passed too late for this un-forgotten year
The Port Arthur Massacre (Sunday 28th April) R.I.P
ThunderStorm and TeAnne Pantony. ©  Oct. 1998

The Port Arthur Massacre (No 2)
(Sunday 28th April 1996)
The sun shone brightly, in a cloudless sky
In Port Arthur, where forty victims would die
As he took aim unknowing victims did fall
No remorse did he show for this atrocity, recalled
A slayer of children, Dads and Mums
He shot them down, one by one
A siege more shocking, than we'd ever seen
In a restaurant, he held this hostages’ scene
An un- necessary loss of human lives
The world watched, as the innocent died.
On this Sunday, a day normally for worship
Our hearts went out to this little township
This killer now lives at the tax payers expense
And claiming aid for his legal defence
Appealing the courts to try to get free
Where is the justice, for this killing spree
Gun laws, now the governments’ have past
Harsher restrictions are needed to expel this farce
May the families left broken, find relief
For victims of Port Arthur, Rest In Peace.
TeAnne © Oct. 11. 1998
RAVING  CLARITIES  (Collaboration)
Crystal, chains
crimson, colours
rhythmic, rain
realities, rainbows
cold, chaos
cascading, clear
rushing, rivers
roaring, rage
cerebral, centuries
chorus, captivates  .
© 1998 Wayne Porter & TeAnne 

THE DODGY BOSS (A Collaboration) TeAnne & A R Hateley ©  Jan 19. 1998

Oh woe is me
oh woe am I
I lift my arms
towards the sky
Overdue another day
money to me
my boss won't pay
he says’ he's broke
Oh yeah right!
it must be a joke
Saw him gamblin’ up a storm
in the early hours
one Thursday morn
“Lost it all” says he
so how the hell
does that help me
Icy storms chill my day
I'm still waiting for my pay
as time goes by
the day he'll rue
he said to me
“Hey son! I have work for you”
TeAnne & A R Hateley ©  Jan 19. 1998

The Seasons of Love
Charles Misner & TeAnne © 1998 (Collaboration) 

I love a beautiful sunrise, in the morning dew
sparkling diamonds, placed there, for you
symphony of colours, so clear 'n' bright
set to music by birds in flight.

I love this, the first of spring,
church bells tolling
greets the new day in.
Hand in hand we reach the top,
of the mountain of life and view this lot
no looking back, onward reflect
the beauty in eachs' eyes
happiness, joy, peace and respect.

Then I too, love a summers night,
when the moon is high and the stars glow bright
with cats curled at our toes
it's a mellow place where our love can grow.

And I love you to hold me tight
while autumns' chill fills the night
brightly coloured leaves fallin' down
our happy little home where love is found

I love too Christmas night
our Yule fire burning warm and bright
the Christmas tree is still a-glow
it's a special sharing love, that all should know
Oh what a year! So hard to believe
that here we sit, loving on New Year's eve

We built our dreams high on a hill
amidst a thousand sunflowers
and our golden field of daffodils.

You uplift me and doubt me never
To you my heart and soul entrust
My life and mind to you, forever
Your seeds of desire abound
Know in your heart "I Love You"
These words of love resound.Waking hours filled with fresh imaginings
born of newly spawned dreams inspired
From this, you became my everything
and point of no return transpired.
These feelings, emotions and desires
Stronger, with every meeting in time
Your day, my night, sometimes fleeting
with spiritual awareness, electrically sublime.
Adjacent minds, hearts in unison beating
Let the truth be known. We are In Love!
TeAnne and Jeff D Hester. July 11, 1997 ©Footnote:  We did meet and try to love each other. 

Wet weather worker
Wet weather worker worked wonders
with waterworks when wrecked _ while
Soviet soldiers smoke screened
secret sectors slowly slapping Simon.
Wally welded wrecked water works
wrapped warmly within woven woollen windcheater.
Simon shivered slowly shaving stubble
Siberian style sideburns.
When Winston watched Wally with wonder
Winston whispered wisdom with Wendy while Wally worked.
Slowly Spike seeped special stalag secret
surveying sites selling superseded Samsung stereos.
Andrew R Hateley & TeAnne © May 16. 1999