And She Sang...............
On Sunday afternoon we decided to go to the pub,
to listen to an 'Asian' Country & Western band.
We ordered cokes and sat down at a table,
near the stage in our local suburban social hub.
Then with great surprise she was invited up on Stage.
She sang an old song about boots walking, in a voice
so rich with power unflagging . The crowd tapped
their feet and sang along to this old classic adage.
My heart swelled with pride when she sang "Let Me Be There"
a touching song for me. My eyes broke out in tears,
thinking about all that I had missed. Justine's voice was filled
with richness and purity, something similar to Cher.
My niece is a treasure a beautiful Pearl *.
TeAnne © June 15. 1999
* Pearl is her stage name.
Our name has hate in it
when it is said or written.
Given to me to have and to hold.
It also has a ley (pronounced lee)
Likened to a sprawling meadow
Of auld Scotland’s reign.
Some pronounce it hat-el-y
But that’s not how it goes
Some even forget the two e’s
And we are left with y.
When all put together it is easy
Only two syllables is Hate-ley
so important to the clan.
It’s my son’s Celtic heritage
Please deny him not
of his birth’s right name.
Terri A Hateley (Now known as TeAnne) © May1. 1999
Inspired by all the people who spell/pronounce the family name wrong. And written for my Son.
I am dreaming of a life's tomorrow,
full of pleasure renowned.
In my dream there is peace,
there is silence, there is credence.
There is beauty, unbound.
There is a cleansing, their is a reason.
There is a creation.
There is a young lady, more than a friend.
There is a harmony, there is a season.
There is my daughter.
TeAnne © Oct.15.1998
© TeAnne Oct.13.1998
Cascading lustrous red hair
Eyes of blue and skin so fair
A young lady friendly, and full of cheer
And friendships bonded, firmly adhere.Blessed am I to have Erin as my daughter.
I thank God for the day to me, He brought her
Irish by nature and by name
Also a temper she must restrain
Deep down buried inside,
her secrets she'll often hide
Won't tell a soul if in her heart there’s an ache,
Keeps it to herself. For advice, she is reluctant to take.
In the right direction without any fear
Approaching adulthood So near.
TeAnne 19/12/93©
A Mother’s life is up and down
Deserver of the Majestic crown
and silk and satin, in it’s place
on her body, trimmed with lace.
Now her brow, once wrinkle free
you can see the lines of her memories
Once a girl of glamour and curves
little ones come, she’s ready to serve.
Mothers’ too, need tender love and care
for her offspring, always there
No matter if her hair be grey
her smile will brighten up your day
We know her work is never done
She’s never out having fun
Never at night
Needed at home, to keep things right.
Her children are her main concern
won’t ask anything in return
Gifts of silver, diamonds or gold
Are not apt. For this lady bold.
TeAnne © 16/12/93
Mother’s Day
It has been two long years now
Since you passed away
You know that if you were still here
I would tell you everyday
How much I love you, but
I can only pray to God above
To wish you Happy Mother’s Day
And pass along with it, all of my love.
TeAnne © May 3. 1999
to listen to an 'Asian' Country & Western band.
We ordered cokes and sat down at a table,
near the stage in our local suburban social hub.
She sang an old song about boots walking, in a voice
so rich with power unflagging . The crowd tapped
their feet and sang along to this old classic adage.
a touching song for me. My eyes broke out in tears,
thinking about all that I had missed. Justine's voice was filled
with richness and purity, something similar to Cher.
when it is said or written.
Given to me to have and to hold.
It also has a ley (pronounced lee)
Likened to a sprawling meadow
Of auld Scotland’s reign.
But that’s not how it goes
Some even forget the two e’s
And we are left with y.
Only two syllables is Hate-ley
so important to the clan.
It’s my son’s Celtic heritage
Please deny him not
of his birth’s right name.
I am dreaming of a life's tomorrow,
full of pleasure renowned.
full of pleasure renowned.
In my dream there is peace,
there is silence, there is credence.
there is silence, there is credence.
There is beauty, unbound.
There is a cleansing, their is a reason.
There is a cleansing, their is a reason.
There is a creation.
There is a young lady, more than a friend.
There is a young lady, more than a friend.
There is a harmony, there is a season.
There is my daughter.
There is my daughter.
TeAnne © Oct.15.1998
© TeAnne Oct.13.1998
Cascading lustrous red hair
Eyes of blue and skin so fair
A young lady friendly, and full of cheer
And friendships bonded, firmly adhere.Blessed am I to have Erin as my daughter.
I thank God for the day to me, He brought her
Irish by nature and by name
Also a temper she must restrain
Deep down buried inside,
her secrets she'll often hide
Won't tell a soul if in her heart there’s an ache,
Keeps it to herself. For advice, she is reluctant to take.
In the right direction without any fear
Approaching adulthood So near.
TeAnne 19/12/93©
Mother’s Day
It has been two long years now
Since you passed away
Since you passed away
You know that if you were still here
I would tell you everyday
How much I love you, but
I would tell you everyday
How much I love you, but
I can only pray to God above
To wish you Happy Mother’s Day
And pass along with it, all of my love.
To wish you Happy Mother’s Day
And pass along with it, all of my love.
TeAnne © May 3. 1999
My Missing Link
A Poem for Justine Marie.
I felt like I was an orphan
when my parents died
Often filled with self-pity
I sat alone and cried.
I had my kids and a half Sister
but still I felt alone
Then one day a stranger's voice
echoed, across the telephone.
I played the machines message
over and over times three
"You don't know me Terri
but I am your niece"… Family!
Taken aback for a moment,
I didn't know what to think!
I knew I had to meet her,
for she was my missing link.
She rang me back again
and we made plans to meet
But during the phone conversation,
from my eyes, tears began to seep
She sensed the tears in my voice
and said she knew my street and number
So within the hour she was at my door
and my heart began to thunder.
I knew this girl was family,
the spitting image of my Sister
And she too could not deny,
said I was the image of her Mother.
For many years she knew not of me,
though I knew of her through a letter
We told our stories we left out none and
showed off photographs of each other.
We found our paths had crossed so many times,
in various States across our land
We had lived in the same towns and cities,
so near, yet worlds so far apart.
I am happy to have her in my life,
I hope we become the best of mates
For family means the world to me,
she's the link, that was missing from my heart.
Artwork TeAnne© Aug.1999 TeAnne. © June 6. 1999
This Boy
Always a talkative, jovial young boy
and giggling girls, he likes to annoy
He will grow a lot and then
in his heart will burn a yen .
One day he’ll go away and marry
over the threshold, a wife he’ll carry
A carefree life will long be gone
vanished rapidly, his hopes so strong.
A house, a car, a bike, in dreams
and little children in his eyes a gleam
Responsibilities are sure to come
for now his teen life has begun.
Of his accomplishments, I am proud
these to you, I could brag out loud.
Adventures and heartbreaks, a plenty there will be
and success will not come cheap or free.
His future holds a lot and more
providing he chooses the right open door.
He will learn a lot through his growing years
and come a time I’ll cry my tears.
I know that I am a lucky mum
You see, this boy, Andrew
‘He is my son’ .
TeAnne 18/12/93. ©
Gladys Mavis Hardie
25/DEC/1919 - 27/FEB/1997

"FEBRUARY 27TH 1997" April 12 1997
(To my Mother)
You, to God succumbed
He took with Him
from me away.
Your loving arms around me
I will never know again
from my birth to womanhood,
you shared with me my growth.
Once faded memories, now renewed
and fresh in my heart, a new pain
will linger.
You opened your eyes and smiled
recognition, for only a moment,
Your fragile arm around me
You nodded as I spoke.
In your drug dazed mind and body
I prayed you understood.
Tears glistened in your tired
frightened eyes
And I unwillingly acknowledged,
that your passing - the time -
had come this day.
The cancer embedded deep inside you
strongly held you in it’s clutches
I helplessly watched you,
as your breathing ebbed away
Words of comfort, I could only whisper
and ‘I love you’ passed my lips.
The days go by, I sit and remember,
all you meant to me
And as I journey down this lonely road,
with my memories inside of me,
locked, from all who near,
I realized, I am not alone, at all
For you walk beside me spiritually.
We will meet again, I’m sure,
when God says it’s right.
Again you will hold me
And I will feel secure.
TeAnne 12/4/97
MY MOTHER’S MIRROR.....Sunday, May 11, 1997
In my Mother’s mirror
white plastic trim
standing cold, compassionless
magnifying reflections back
Exposed, her creation
blood, hair, features, flesh
only surface see
non -dispirit all other
Enlarged eyes staring
elongated, times five
confused, thoughts assemble
embedded deep
All seeing, all profound
Diary of year after year
loss, love, life, loneliness,
happiness, bitterness,
pain, death
Privy the secrets
She carried solely
Her musings, visions
Buried in this world
My Mother’s Mirror.
TeAnne Sun.May 11, 1997
"NOW AN ANGEL" April 7 1997
Oh Mother, why is it so hard for me,
to write a poem of praise
in your honour and your memory
and of the day you passed away.
It is all inside my heart,
these things I need and want to say
But bottled they are and
them I can’t release.
The words will not blend or flow
Because I try to choose them well
and tell it like it was
I try to write them down
but the key won’t open this lock
Maybe I should try, again
When the pain is less
and the the good memories evolve
For now,
All I see is pain and sorrow.
TeAnne 7/4/97
DEC 3. 1912 - JULY 12. 1997

Dad 1945
This page was built 15 July in memory of my Father
(Thanks to Jeff for re-sizing and framing the photos on this page and Mum's page)
SLEEPLESS © July 23.1997
My beautiful Angels
once two beautiful people,
in your own way
Oh, how I miss you
and wish you had stayed
Now you’re up there,
not here, to guide,
or disburden my fears
If only in vision, my bedside
you’d visit
and reassure,
You’re both okay
I see you in my sleep
but thats not the same
I waken to find
It’s only deception, my memory
from whence you came.
TeAnne .©..July 23. 1997
IN MY FATHER’S MEMORY ©July 15. 1997
My memories of you Dad
of all you said and did
Some are good, some are bad
Plenty are happy but some are sad
I didn't get to say goodbye
Your hand I couldn’t hold
But our good-byes were said,
just five short months ago.
I sat upon your knee
We held each other tight
You shared your pain and grief
with me
and for Mum our tears we cried.
It was then I could see,
I saw it in your eyes.
With her is where you longed to be
So now, alone I cry.
I wasn't by your side
and oh how quickly,
you've abandoned me
I can love you more, now Dad
Then I did, before you died
So rest In Peace and be assured
That in my heart I know
You and Mum are together
both resting now
angelically undisturbed.
TeAnne © July 15. 1997
MY NIGHTMARE © July 14. 1997
Daddy is a wild beast ranting
One eye, looking, roving, staring
Daddies dying
The cloven hoofed one’s waiting.
Turning into Mummy
Peter, he’s calling for Peter
Who is Peter?
I am Terri, I’m over here Dad
Daddy calling to ‘Jesus’
But he’s an atheist
Skin yellow, everywhere blood
I see no wounds
I steal Mummies breath
Daddy steals mine
Gasping, I awaken
I can’t breath
cold, so cold
I don’t understand
Has Daddy taken his last?
TeAnne © July 14. 1997
I had this nightmare on the 20th May 1997. It scared the hell out of me. I just had to write it down.
"Dad’s Sorrow" 12 April 1997
All alone you sit
in wonder
what of your life now
Your love, Your wife
has gone
to a higher place, beyond and vast
Listless you sit
and remember
Life as it was with her
all those years past.
Your tears of grief lay dormant
in a heart of heavy regrets.
Daddy, I would take it all away
but I carry inside, all you feel
The sadness of my own
And already,
I share your sorrow.
TeAnne 12 April 1997

I see you everywhere
Your face, your eyes, indelible
Mother close, your spirit
I feel you near but
No second chances
No conversation hear
Too late for regrets.
What to do?
Falls on ears, invisible
Words written unable to send.
I have become a wild goat want to rant scream and shout
You’re not here to comfort me
Oh how I remember arms strong, secure the feel
This lonely hackneyed journey on.
Times alone
My solitude precious and frustration incurable
When I am troubled and inside hurt
I pray again soon we will unite.
TeAnne.....May 11, 1997
R ebirth of the soul in
E venings night
C elestial beings, Gods delight
O rion's Belt holds no bars
V enus with out stretched arms,
E veryone welcomed, entering
R ealm of love and light
Y our loved ones, beget
TeAnne © Feb 18. 1999
How life diversifies
you and I.
We thought it
made in heaven.
Swollen belly,
you jewelled the finger
How circumstance
wedged, voids
loving another
made readily.
How blood keeps
bond shared
You and I
live endless
in Son's
life source
we created
Now you see,
can still
TeAnne © Oct. 28. 1998
A Poem for Justine Marie.
I felt like I was an orphan
when my parents died
Often filled with self-pity
I sat alone and cried.
I had my kids and a half Sister
but still I felt alone
Then one day a stranger's voice
echoed, across the telephone.
when my parents died
Often filled with self-pity
I sat alone and cried.
I had my kids and a half Sister
but still I felt alone
Then one day a stranger's voice
echoed, across the telephone.
I played the machines message
over and over times three
"You don't know me Terri
but I am your niece"… Family!
Taken aback for a moment,
I didn't know what to think!
I knew I had to meet her,
for she was my missing link.
over and over times three
"You don't know me Terri
but I am your niece"… Family!
Taken aback for a moment,
I didn't know what to think!
I knew I had to meet her,
for she was my missing link.
She rang me back again
and we made plans to meet
But during the phone conversation,
from my eyes, tears began to seep
She sensed the tears in my voice
and said she knew my street and number
So within the hour she was at my door
and my heart began to thunder.
and we made plans to meet
But during the phone conversation,
from my eyes, tears began to seep
She sensed the tears in my voice
and said she knew my street and number
So within the hour she was at my door
and my heart began to thunder.
I knew this girl was family,
the spitting image of my Sister
And she too could not deny,
said I was the image of her Mother.
For many years she knew not of me,
though I knew of her through a letter
We told our stories we left out none and
showed off photographs of each other.
the spitting image of my Sister
And she too could not deny,
said I was the image of her Mother.
For many years she knew not of me,
though I knew of her through a letter
We told our stories we left out none and
showed off photographs of each other.
We found our paths had crossed so many times,
in various States across our land
We had lived in the same towns and cities,
so near, yet worlds so far apart.
I am happy to have her in my life,
I hope we become the best of mates
For family means the world to me,
she's the link, that was missing from my heart.
in various States across our land
We had lived in the same towns and cities,
so near, yet worlds so far apart.
I am happy to have her in my life,
I hope we become the best of mates
For family means the world to me,
she's the link, that was missing from my heart.
and giggling girls, he likes to annoy
He will grow a lot and then
in his heart will burn a yen .
over the threshold, a wife he’ll carry
A carefree life will long be gone
vanished rapidly, his hopes so strong.
and little children in his eyes a gleam
Responsibilities are sure to come
for now his teen life has begun.
Of his accomplishments, I am proud
these to you, I could brag out loud.
Adventures and heartbreaks, a plenty there will be
and success will not come cheap or free.
providing he chooses the right open door.
He will learn a lot through his growing years
and come a time I’ll cry my tears.
You see, this boy, Andrew
‘He is my son’ .
TeAnne 18/12/93. ©
I had this nightmare on the 20th May 1997. It scared the hell out of me. I just had to write it down.
I see you everywhere
Your face, your eyes, indelible
Mother close, your spirit
I feel you near but
No second chances
No conversation hear
Too late for regrets.
What to do?
Falls on ears, invisible
Words written unable to send.
I have become a wild goat want to rant scream and shout
You’re not here to comfort me
Oh how I remember arms strong, secure the feel
This lonely hackneyed journey on.
Times alone
My solitude precious and frustration incurable
When I am troubled and inside hurt
I pray again soon we will unite.
TeAnne.....May 11, 1997
R ebirth of the soul in
E venings night
C elestial beings, Gods delight
O rion's Belt holds no bars
V enus with out stretched arms,
E veryone welcomed, entering
R ealm of love and light
Y our loved ones, beget
E venings night
C elestial beings, Gods delight
O rion's Belt holds no bars
V enus with out stretched arms,
E veryone welcomed, entering
R ealm of love and light
Y our loved ones, beget
TeAnne © Feb 18. 1999
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