D uplication of your keyboard mind
E xactly to your letters
A lternativly sing song same
T uned finely these
H aunting words sounds
T easing tunes a different beat
O penly sung from another's mouth
C ould it be
Y ou have a twin
B ecause these words I see I hear
E tched across my space memorized mimicked by a
R omancing stranger
L ingering forever
O n-line
V oices eager to hear words to see
E lectronic death to reality....as he tries to replace you. TeAnne © March 29. 1998
The screen is blue and all a glow
Program set and ready to go
The cursor gives a flash and a flicker
But the mouse has a claggy clicker.The cursor still flashes, I've plenty of bytes
I set the tab from left to right
Insert a character and the data dated
My back and neck have coagulated
Tap a few keys and enter press
Made a mistake, must egress
before the power fails and all's deleted
better rescue what I've completed.
All systems on an even flow
Then why is ‘A’ drive proceeding so slow?
The magnetic layers gone wrong,
I've lost my list
There's’ a loathsome virus on my disk.
TeAnne © 21/12/93
ESCAPING! © April 14. 1998
Select any key and the instructions that follow,
Telling me to
Escape reality for
Periods of up to
Several hours in
Time. Conversing and laughing
On-line with you, where it always leads to
Blissful insanity. Does
Life exist beyond this point?
I don’t remember life before all this.
States of confusion with
Silent kisses that go on and on,
Floating in space for eternity,
Universally linked are our
Lips. How many kisses are up there?
Instantly it happens,
Night turns to day as the interactions entrap. The
Seconds ticking away our lives, while
Another day has slipped away and your
Night has appeared all too soon. You and
I must sleep. Anxiety replaces the
Tingling sensations that were
Yesterdays delight.
Untold blissful insanity
Never felt this way in
The real world, where
Others do not understand
Love on the internet is really only a
Date in space to fill in my realties escape.
TeAnne © April 14.1998
Daily on the Internet
No need to turn my TV on
Love is all around me
He loves me, he loves me not. It never changes day or night
Someone has been hurt
Another's heart is broken
Another crashed and burned.
It is all make believe
But do they see that?
No, for I have been bitten too
He loves me not, he loves me.
Sweet nothings whispered
Into microphones on chat
Others in E-mails back and forth
A lover bites the dust.
Tap, tap, tap, ICQ is knocking
A stranger has come on-line
Another soul mate in the making?
Nay, 'tis another victim,
On here to try his luck.
© 27 April. 1999 By TeAnne
I have to laugh at the antics
on the Internet sometimes.
Type the right words on the computer
And someone falls in love!
Yes virtual lust is everywhere
And pain and heartbreak too. This virtual realities motel rooms
Host the goings on,
of affairs and one night stands
They think they are doing no wrong.
Incognito the lovers all think they are safe
and there is a place
that will cover for them at a costly rate!
A company in England will sell insurance
For your marriage to stay in tact.
They will send your spouse flowers
While you're 'on that business trip'
Even provide business luncheon statements
For your yearly income tax.
Oh yeah, it's a wonder world of mayhem
Out there in cyber space,
with deceit and lies and cursing
and name calling, love and hate.
So much trouble and pain
for those who used to have a life
when there are jerks with lurks
Who prey on the emotionally weak.
Someone steals another's lover
Then it's on for meek and bold
The blond with the sexy picture
Is really seventy one years old.
I have cried but mostly now I laugh.
The wrong 'soul mate' taught me how to doubt.
Deleting key performs its daily task.
Keeping my sanity on this cyber route.
TeAnne © 27 April 1999
© 1999 TeAnne (All rights reserved)
There used to be real people in the land of the living world.
Now, they stroll through ‘cyber-space’.
Virtual reality has become their everyday social pleasures.
Women abandon their kids and husbands
for a thrill with an avatar! And call it love.
Men desert their wives for some blond sexual illusion.
No need to leave the confines of your four walls for a date,
fine food is not needed anymore.
Just grab some toast on a plate (If you haven't forgotten to wash them.)
Theatre and museums are all out there on the Internet. Culture at your fingertips.
Inter phone your lover and your friends and see their smiling faces in a box.
Float around the globe on a mouse's back as your vehicle. Save on petrol money at least!
Find anything you need, to get in or out of trouble.
Just be in the wrong place at the wrong time and your name is trash!
Honesty, friendship, love and truth are loosely bandied words.
Typed from loose fingers to your eyes when they're needed most.
There's no pity for the vulnerable, the hunters will seek your loneliness.
You think you're safe by the miles between you.
It's your mind they want to possess.
They tell all the lies they want to, you won't know the difference.
You won't see them laughing. Chances are,
you may never see them again, or they will just change their name
and start the deceptions all over again.
On here you have to be tough
Sling back the muck and give as good as you get.
A few good people on here are few and far between.
Honesty is rare and love is just lust.
So to all the newbies, prepare yourselves for the ride of your lives
on this
Virtual super highway of fantasies, harassment and lies.
TeAnne © 30 April. 1999
OUR POETRY GARDENSo many boards to choose from So little time to read and reply.
This GARDEN is my salvation, When I enter these pages of truth, It feels like I have come home. So many friends to greet and So many hugs to collect.
Opening these pages is like Peeling back the petals of a rose to reveal a perfect rosehip, the Seed of continued beauty.
I always come to the GARDEN first It’s where the sunshine is the brightest And the Poets are the best. I can think of no better place to spend my Christmas.
TeAnne © 13 Dec. 1998
Cyber Creatures of the night
sauntering the wastelands
of our hearts with
their faceless names
The creatures don't care
as they feed on our
cravings for love.
They come in droves
to seduce our loneliness
with words that thrill
to posses the weakest.
I have been snared
by a new love tonight.
TeAnne © 7 April. 1998
How did I get back in this rut
The dog is barking
what a mutt!
The cats' in the cupboard
and cannot see
For when a stranger calls
that's were he'll flee!
My kids are telling me
about their debts
We’re all in the same boat
You bet!
Forget any help from there
oh woe,
grumble, sigh and despair!
The dishes overflowing the sink
well my man won't wash them
The fink!
Floors to sweep and clothes to wash
Now how did that happen?
a lonesome sock!
Solution, only one
find a chair for my bum!
Fire up computer, go on-line
*giggle*and tell all my friends
Hey mate, everything is fine!
TeAnne © Dec 29. 1997
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