Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sammy's Bio (A short Story)

Sammys' Bio By TeAnne © Feb.5. 1998 (She only helped me) 

G'Day mates! That's me up there catnappin'.
Let me introduce meself. The humans call me Sammy, dunno why, cos I would answer to Puss!
I live in "Down Under" land they call Australia. Great place mate, it be full of Aussies. :)
Well I dunno how old I was in 1992/93 when it all began. You see I was just a little tike when I was walkin' wiv me Mum up the road, when all of a sudden I heard this human woman voice say "Puss, Puss". Of course I was curious. (Guess what? It never kill me) So, I trots over to the woman and I licked her toe. Well mate, that did it, I was set. She picked me up and hugged me. :) That human woman is now me "Mum" and she luvs me sooooo much.
It was her daughter Erin (now me sis) who named me Sammy - I get Sam, Samualson, Sambo, Baby Catz and Baby *ugh*. "Mum" got me de-sexeded, so I got no doodads and can't make off-springs. I used to have a bro. called "Bowie" and a sis called "Duchess" but they got disappeared. The story goes that they was stolen for the Chinese Restaurant. Lots of me mates went missing that way too.
Me life is good agen now, for awhile it wern't.
Ya see, me "Mum", she up and went to Texas in the USA and I had to stay wiv Erin and Andrew, me other bro. and sis ya know? The human kind? Well I didn't like it there - I stayed under the bed, all day and all night, until oneday they let me outside - ah ha, FREEDOM. So I runded away.
I went back to me old house to find me "mum" and ask her why she do this to me. Alas! No "mum" I look everywhere, she be nowhere to be seen. Strangers in my house wiv little humans. So I hide under the house and  me "mums" beaut garden now gettin wrecked by them lil' humans. They scared me, call me "kitty, kitty". *ugh*
Anyways, (this I aint proud of) I had ta eat, so I became a murderer of birds, roaches, moths and mice! I missed me Sardines and me tin chicken and me "mum".
The months went past and oh so slowly. Then one cold and windy night when I was huddled under the strangers house, I heard a distant vaguely familiar voice! Could it be? Was I dreamin? Nah! So I wented back to sleep. An hour later I hear it agen, this time I knows it's not a dream cos I was wakin up to go get me a snack. Then the voice stop agen. So I goes on the prowl lookin for food and I stopped at the front gate of me old establishment when I sees her - she be approachin' me, she do look so familiar - smells familiar. "Sammy, Sammy" she call. Well I knows now. It's me "MUM" and shes come HOME!!!!!!!!
So I rolls on the ground at her feet and she passes me test! She rubs me belly as I say "purrrrt" and I knows it, it be her. She picks me up  and takes me across the road to where she be stayin.
Mate I tell ya, I scared so I scratched her and bolt back across the road, and she come after me wiv tears in her eyes. We go thru' the same process agen only this time she very strong and gets me in the nother strangers house and I roar and climb all over the fly-screen door but she get distressed and hold me all the time. Then ! she feed me :)) And mate I be sooooo hungry. I succumbed.
So, here we are together agen  in our own new place with some strange furniture but lotsa luvs and cuddles. I dont leave her side no more and I dont venture outside ever, cos I gotta keep me eye on her.
Besides, she got a computa and I finded me a cyber-girlfriend called Abby who live in the USA. So I gotta keep all of me lives in tact. More below.  

THANK YOU MARIE Feb.7th 1999

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