Black crow sitting on the fence
beadily eyeing the ground
he nose dives and flies back.
beadily eyeing the ground
he nose dives and flies back.
Black crow sitting on the fence
he repositions his morsel in his beak
then flies off to somewhere.
he repositions his morsel in his beak
then flies off to somewhere.
Maybe he feeds his mate
and off spring.
I can hear squawking
in the distance.
Black crow sitting on the fence.
Aark Aark Aark!
and off spring.
I can hear squawking
in the distance.
Black crow sitting on the fence.
Aark Aark Aark!
TeAnne © 20 March 1999
Fluff my pillow and fall to sleep
dream my dreams without counting sheep.
Is it of you I'll dream, who floats on a cloud
or swims in a stream
Then tossing and turning
sleep on and on with yearning
I hear my name I can't reach you
My hearts aflame
That cloud up there, it's thunder and rain.
Waking in the middle of the night
I dreamt you held me, oh so tight
Covered in sweat, for it was all untrue
The dreams I dreamed were not of you.
TeAnne © July 18.1998
That stream you swam in burst it's banks
you have that stormy cloud up there to thank.
Then you cried cos you lost your clothes
I must admit, you struck a great pose.
The water was muddy, it stuck to your skin
And I couldn't see, Oh such a sin.
When it dried and on you cracked
You wrapped yourself in a potato sack.
You are such a spoil sport
But on my camera, you were caught.
TeAnne © July 18.1998
Well there you go my friend
touchin’ my heart again
Don't you know, your time, you'll waste
please not now, not everything in haste.
When you come knockin’
I will not be home
don't dial my number
No one will answer the phone.
When you came before
you whisked me away
you pleaded me, stay!
we broke the old love law
Your love is like a Ferris Wheel
one minute up, then it's down
Spinning, dizzy I feel
treading on my heart, my life as a clown
TeAnne © July 16.1998
Where is the elusive happiness
the search, always ending, in stress.
Someone always left hurting
so why do we carry on searching.
Lovers declaring, forever we'll be.
We both know,
it's not for you or for me.
Who needs Nostradamus’ prediction
when our love, is pure Fiction.
TeAnne © July 17. 1998
Cranky Crab and Silly Goat
adrift in a poets boat
Journeys on the sea of life
write about their woes and strife
write about their woes and strife
Doom and Gloom is his forte`
Rhyme and time she does obey
Rhyme and time she does obey
Professor of life’s dull pains
She, student of arts refrains.
She, student of arts refrains.
Themes they acquired to plot
together, in melting pot
together, in melting pot
The Capricorn and Cancer
Always look for the answer.
Always look for the answer.
TeAnne © Feb 24 1999
I saw him laying on the concrete
on his belly.
1 2 3 4 ----
He lost count
when I said ‘hello’
and began again
1 2 3 4 ----
I asked ‘what are you doing?’
‘I’m counting ants’ he said
and began again
1 2 3 4 ----
The sun shone
hotly on his head
as he laid there
counting ants
5 6 7 8 ----
They busily dashed about
as he laid there
counting ants
Some bit him.
9 10 11 12 ----
They feasted on him
when he was done. TeAnne © May 15.1998
Sally wants SEEDS
to fill the NEEDS
of birds she FEEDS
In the town of LEEDS
but all she sees
is a bunch of WEEDS
that look like REEDS
Lucy sang La la la la Ally sang Ala ala ala Tommy sang Tra la la la __________________22/2/99 |
Feelings I have STILL
keep coming back at WILL
While at my window SILL
The view I take my FILL
reminds me of Jack & JILL
who had mishap on the HILL
Feel like such a DILL
Now I feel so ILL
Need to take my PILL
If I end up like BILL
Myself I will KILL
_____________________________________________© TeAnne 20/2/1999
Around and around
the ache,
Jaw to temple
fontanelle to nape.
Panadol and aspirin
an hour, the ease.
Then it's back!
the ache,
Jaw to temple
fontanelle to nape.
Panadol and aspirin
an hour, the ease.
Then it's back!
Around and around
the ache,
Top to bottom
ear and face.
Visit the dentist
to have it pulled.
But will he take
the right one out?
the ache,
Top to bottom
ear and face.
Visit the dentist
to have it pulled.
But will he take
the right one out?
TeAnne © Dec. 7. 1998
Inspired by a horror movie Titled the "Dentist" with
Corbin Burnsin and my tooth ache.
Corbin Burnsin and my tooth ache.
When I first came
to this town.
They used to turn
the lights off
at Midnight.
Not a street light
could be seen
from sea nor air.
The stars could
lead the way
glittering against
the raven sky.
A crime wave
put an end to
the black out.
Street light shines
in my bedroom window.
The night hours
are now lit up
like day light.
to this town.
They used to turn
the lights off
at Midnight.
Not a street light
could be seen
from sea nor air.
The stars could
lead the way
glittering against
the raven sky.
A crime wave
put an end to
the black out.
Street light shines
in my bedroom window.
The night hours
are now lit up
like day light.
TeAnne © Dec. 7. 1998
Fallopian tube melt down
babies born in glass
no need for humans
a figment of the past.
Your limbs wont be needed
let the robot do it all
not even your brain is useful
nothing to recall.
babies born in glass
no need for humans
a figment of the past.
Your limbs wont be needed
let the robot do it all
not even your brain is useful
nothing to recall.
TeAnne © Sept 28. 1998
It's written in the cards, I see it oh so clear.
Cover my palm with silver,
and I will tell you, all you want to hear!
She will write a portentous book,
about the morals, of a President, she hooked!
the title, it's coming to me now,
“To seduce a President, How!”
She will get rich, at his expense!
His name through the mud, a national pretence.
A movie deal for her, will evolve,
from her exploits, she will have sold!
See if it don't come true
this prediction, I be tellin’ you.
Cover my palm with silver,
and I will tell you, all you want to hear!
She will write a portentous book,
about the morals, of a President, she hooked!
the title, it's coming to me now,
“To seduce a President, How!”
She will get rich, at his expense!
His name through the mud, a national pretence.
A movie deal for her, will evolve,
from her exploits, she will have sold!
See if it don't come true
this prediction, I be tellin’ you.
TeAnne © Sept 28. 1998
GOTHIC GRANNY Black satin attire And dark shadowed eyes Black leather boots Knee leather high Blackened lip smiles Long black locks The older generation In shock! Pierced tongues and noses of silver New style to mock Pasty white faces Vampire connotes I was born too soon Now all I could be Is a Gothic granny. TeAnne © Mar 4.1999 |
Hairy monsters
in my house
everywhere shedding
in the bathroom
on the floor
in their combs
in the basin
long and short
in the shower recess
(a soggy mess)
in the bathtub
on the shelf
on the tap
on the soap
on the bench
on the mats
on the toilet seat
short and wiry
and it's not the cat
for that matter
it's not my colour either.
Mine is on the carpet
here beside me.
in my house
everywhere shedding
in the bathroom
on the floor
in their combs
in the basin
long and short
in the shower recess
(a soggy mess)
in the bathtub
on the shelf
on the tap
on the soap
on the bench
on the mats
on the toilet seat
short and wiry
and it's not the cat
for that matter
it's not my colour either.
Mine is on the carpet
here beside me.
TeAnne © Oct. 20. 1998
Just like clockwork
The Postie comes along
Feeding my letter box
With junk food.
Can’t he see it’s on a diet?
The sign tells him so.
“No Junk Mail Please”
The Postie comes along
Feeding my letter box
With junk food.
Can’t he see it’s on a diet?
The sign tells him so.
“No Junk Mail Please”
So like a good citizen,
It’s my job to flush it out
And di-sect it’s regurgitation.
So sickening, the stuff
That it spits out.
It’s my job to flush it out
And di-sect it’s regurgitation.
So sickening, the stuff
That it spits out.
Specials, Sales, Buy Now
WIN!!!! Travel, set the Sails
See the World!
What World?
There will be no world left
If all the trees are chopped
To make my letter box obese
WIN!!!! Travel, set the Sails
See the World!
What World?
There will be no world left
If all the trees are chopped
To make my letter box obese
TeAnne © 19 March 1999
Catalogues and fliers
Something for all buyers
Sit with coffee and fag
Sift thru’ all they brag.
Something for all buyers
Sit with coffee and fag
Sift thru’ all they brag.
Want my money no doubt
I sit here with lip a pout
Corporations don’t care
As long as they flog their ware.
I sit here with lip a pout
Corporations don’t care
As long as they flog their ware.
In the bin it will land
Later for landfill expand
First it fills my letterbox
Then becomes binder for rocks.
Later for landfill expand
First it fills my letterbox
Then becomes binder for rocks.
So, a cycle we come to accept
The junk in my letterbox has crept
Tis the only mail received by some
Who quickly browse for what can be won.
The junk in my letterbox has crept
Tis the only mail received by some
Who quickly browse for what can be won.
Mine, in the corner just sits
because mostly it’s just s..t!
because mostly it’s just s..t!
TeAnne © 19 March 1999
YOU ~ ME ~ ME ~ YOU.
You took me from me
You mistook me for you
I want me back as me
I’ll not live me thru’ you
You are not a clone of me
Nor I a clone of you
Just let me live me
And you live you, yourself!
You mistook me for you
I want me back as me
I’ll not live me thru’ you
You are not a clone of me
Nor I a clone of you
Just let me live me
And you live you, yourself!
TeAnne © Oct 14. 1998
© TeAnne Oct.13.1998
Loving you is hard
One day you will understand the
Value of
Everlasting devotion
Yesterdays dreams can
Only live with
Unity of the hearts.
TeAnne © April 12. 1998
One day you will understand the
Value of
Everlasting devotion
Yesterdays dreams can
Only live with
Unity of the hearts.
TeAnne © April 12. 1998
It's not over, just a figment
Of my imagination
Total confusion
Of my imagination
Total confusion
Mar 12.1998
Mar 12.1998
Lonely tree in my back yard
Oh yes I see
For how the bugs love
To gobble at
Your core, leaving bark everywhere.
Oh yes I see
For how the bugs love
To gobble at
Your core, leaving bark everywhere.
…………….Arena when he seen ‘a. She was sheen ‘a than any clean ‘a in a dream ‘a headin' for a dine’a in central China. She were the fine ‘a on this ocean line ‘a in any summ ‘a in all of Australi ‘a………………… TeAnne. © 28 Jan. 1999 LOVE IS……………….! Love is kind Love is Blind Love is forever ……….on my mind. Love is skilful Love is wilful Love is pitiful. Love is rich Love is an itch Love is a bitch. Love is cupidity (strong desire) Love is stupidity. Love is elusive Love is intrusive. Love is CONFUSING!…………………. TeAnne © Jan. 29.1999 |
I will never be a ‘Fat Cat’
I’d need money for that
it’s the root of all evil
needed for survival.My bank account says ‘dry’
think I will starve and die
Its all gone, been spent
into overdraft it went.
Robbed Peter to pay Paul
crashed in the street- ‘Wall’
Paid the bills and the rent
I don’t have a red cent.
Can’t apply for a loan
no collateral do I own
bad credit risk, no savings put away
nothing for that inevitable rainy day.
Need that big ‘Lotto’ win
to steal it would be a sin.
In gaol there would be three feeds a day
Hey! Who said that ‘crime doesn’t pay’?
TeAnne © July 11. 1999
On the grass so soft
lay back.
Off daisies
pick their petals.
“He loved me
he loved me not.”
lay back.
Off daisies
pick their petals.
“He loved me
he loved me not.”
On the wind
let them scatter.
North East blow
oh so hot.
let them scatter.
North East blow
oh so hot.
Words he uttered
of love. Once!.
Into the night
of sin he guided.
of love. Once!.
Into the night
of sin he guided.
Dinner, dancing, wine
in the moment lost.
Oh that music
and bodies hot.
His lying eyes
did shine!
in the moment lost.
Oh that music
and bodies hot.
His lying eyes
did shine!
Daisy chain make
with each entwine.
on his
place it there.
with each entwine.
on his
place it there.
Never again
will he.
will he.
July 3. 1998 TeAnne
it's raining
it's pouring
my temperature
is soaring
sneeze sniffle
cough gag
rain rain go away
clog up drains
another day
stride a mile
medicinal seek
cannot see
parasol screen
wind and shower
ambulance speed
counting blessings
t'wern't me
it's pouring
my temperature
is soaring
sneeze sniffle
cough gag
rain rain go away
clog up drains
another day
stride a mile
medicinal seek
cannot see
parasol screen
wind and shower
ambulance speed
counting blessings
t'wern't me
May 21.1999
- TeAnne
Ring around the moon
Ring around Saturn
Ring around my finger
Ring of pretty pattern.
Ring around Saturn
Ring around my finger
Ring of pretty pattern.
Ring around a bath-tub
Ring around my neck
Ring around my toe
Ring his scrawny neck.
Ring around my neck
Ring around my toe
Ring his scrawny neck.
Ring around my eyes
Ring around a rosy
Ring around my head, a halo
Well I wouldn't bloody think so!
Ring around a rosy
Ring around my head, a halo
Well I wouldn't bloody think so!
TeAnne © Sept 29.1998
You will stick to the
No, That doesn’t flow!
You write it this
In there, is a typo
No, that word wont
Give it some punch!
It needs imagery
in it!
Contemporary-ism is dead
wouldn't write it that way.
Go read what other Poets have
'Hail Hitler' the words for today.
No, That doesn’t flow!
You write it this
In there, is a typo
No, that word wont
Give it some punch!
It needs imagery
in it!
Contemporary-ism is dead
wouldn't write it that way.
Go read what other Poets have
'Hail Hitler' the words for today.
© Oct.. 25. 1998
# 1.
Robot poetz 2
U vil stik tu z ruls
No zat duz not flo
U rite it ziz vay
In zer iz a typo
No zat vord vont fit
Giv it zum punch
It nedz imagery
in it
Kontempori - izm iz ded
Shakzper vudent rite it zat vay
Go red vat zer po-etz hav rit
Hal Hitler z vord fur to day.
Robot poetz 2
U vil stik tu z ruls
No zat duz not flo
U rite it ziz vay
In zer iz a typo
No zat vord vont fit
Giv it zum punch
It nedz imagery
in it
Kontempori - izm iz ded
Shakzper vudent rite it zat vay
Go red vat zer po-etz hav rit
Hal Hitler z vord fur to day.
NEW MOON (Lai style. French Poetry)
NEW MOON (Lai style. French Poetry)
Saw the moon tonight
Glowing, orange bright
The sky
Glowing, orange bright
The sky
Though it gave a fright
Showing all this light
I cry
Showing all this light
I cry
It was such a sight
in awe, all this might
No lie
in awe, all this might
No lie
Want to fly a kite
It just wasn't right
wind die.
It just wasn't right
wind die.
HOLDING ON. (Lai style)
HOLDING ON. (Lai style)
Hold me in your arm
Feel for all my charm
Our love
Come close do not harm
children we can farm
My love
Then love we can calm
Oh for heaven's psalm
Feel for all my charm
Our love
Come close do not harm
children we can farm
My love
Then love we can calm
Oh for heaven's psalm
Hold me in your arms
Feel for all my charms
Our love
Come close and whisper
Is nothing simpler
My love
Then love we can make
Oh for heaven's sake
Feel for all my charms
Our love
Come close and whisper
Is nothing simpler
My love
Then love we can make
Oh for heaven's sake
Writing releases pent up
feelings of love, life
or woe.
Without the pen and
the paper, where would we
be? who knows?
Love letters to write
to distant ones we lust, or
A friendship letter, to
ones we trust.
Without a writer, no
history to remind us
where we came from
where we are going
and how to give back
to the future.
feelings of love, life
or woe.
Without the pen and
the paper, where would we
be? who knows?
Love letters to write
to distant ones we lust, or
A friendship letter, to
ones we trust.
Without a writer, no
history to remind us
where we came from
where we are going
and how to give back
to the future.
No Title:
No Title:
Told I am immature and
critique, I cannot take.
This is not the issue of
the point, I want to make.
Being of free spirit, no
dictatorship will I take.
If a poem takes my fancy
and I say "I like it"
believe! Words not fake.
If I utter a word like
"Nice" then just take it,
as my heart speaks it true.
And, if the owner don't
like it, then there is
nought that I can do.
Just tell me not to comment
and I will never bother you.
I'll leave it to the 'EXPERTS'
critique, I cannot take.
This is not the issue of
the point, I want to make.
Being of free spirit, no
dictatorship will I take.
If a poem takes my fancy
and I say "I like it"
believe! Words not fake.
If I utter a word like
"Nice" then just take it,
as my heart speaks it true.
And, if the owner don't
like it, then there is
nought that I can do.
Just tell me not to comment
and I will never bother you.
I'll leave it to the 'EXPERTS'
All poems © TeAnne Nov.1998
Why do you torment my emotional state
with words of love, then turn these words
into an artificial, siblings translate?
Loving words often whispered
make me all soft and gooey inside,
with warm fuzzy feelings that I just can't hide.
When you change the scenario
there are emotions inside of me.
Reactions, you just couldn't know.
I want to rip out your heart, throw it against the wall.
Pierce it with arrows. (forget cupids)!
Let a V-8 Chevy spin it's tyres on it.
Cut it up and stomp on it.
Leave it out in the midday sun for the ants to nibble at.
Mince it in a meat grinder, and feed it to my cat.
Toss it into a mine field or dip it in an acid vat.
Run over it with a cement truck.
Lend it to the Dallas Cowboys as a training ball
Stick it in the microwave and watch it explode.
All these things I know, will do no good
‘cos’ how do you break a heart of stone?
Hmm, a sledge hammer might help!
with words of love, then turn these words
into an artificial, siblings translate?
Loving words often whispered
make me all soft and gooey inside,
with warm fuzzy feelings that I just can't hide.
When you change the scenario
there are emotions inside of me.
Reactions, you just couldn't know.
I want to rip out your heart, throw it against the wall.
Pierce it with arrows. (forget cupids)!
Let a V-8 Chevy spin it's tyres on it.
Cut it up and stomp on it.
Leave it out in the midday sun for the ants to nibble at.
Mince it in a meat grinder, and feed it to my cat.
Toss it into a mine field or dip it in an acid vat.
Run over it with a cement truck.
Lend it to the Dallas Cowboys as a training ball
Stick it in the microwave and watch it explode.
All these things I know, will do no good
‘cos’ how do you break a heart of stone?
Hmm, a sledge hammer might help!
© Oct. 3. 1998
# 2
I gave my heart away for a song
where oh where did I go wrong?
Got it returned all crumpled and crushed
Manipulated and mangled and at my feet chucked
Oh, boy, revenge I will have and it will be sweet.
Never, no more, will this woman be weak!
History will not be repeating itself
The writings on the wall, see for yourself
It is written, BOLD in white and black
Never, no more, will this woman be slack
where oh where did I go wrong?
Got it returned all crumpled and crushed
Manipulated and mangled and at my feet chucked
Oh, boy, revenge I will have and it will be sweet.
Never, no more, will this woman be weak!
History will not be repeating itself
The writings on the wall, see for yourself
It is written, BOLD in white and black
Never, no more, will this woman be slack
© TeAnne Oct. 4.1998
I thought this heart was mine
but on closer scrutiny
I see, it has your name on it.
Coloured red and bleeding
from Cupid's arrow!
He secured it for you, then
stuck it on my sleeve.
All this violence!
There should be a law
against cupids' abuse.
I thought this heart was mine
but on closer scrutiny
I see, it has your name on it.
Coloured red and bleeding
from Cupid's arrow!
He secured it for you, then
stuck it on my sleeve.
All this violence!
There should be a law
against cupids' abuse.
TeAnne © June 21. 1998
Then he said “Here I am just the student”
And I mimicked his words
Then it occurred to me
Are we all
not a student of life
Is there a living being
who has perfected it?
We are born
We breathe
We eat
We work
We sleep
We err
We play
We sigh
We love
We laugh
We die
In all that is vital
We are all still equals
It’s just some who
Think differently.
And I mimicked his words
Then it occurred to me
Are we all
not a student of life
Is there a living being
who has perfected it?
We are born
We breathe
We eat
We work
We sleep
We err
We play
We sigh
We love
We laugh
We die
In all that is vital
We are all still equals
It’s just some who
Think differently.
© Oct. 23 1998
The moon and stars, are okay in their place
But I don't want them in my face
When you kiss me. Just leave them, up in the sky
I will see them plenty enough, when I die.
Will you miss me........?
In my eyes he said, the sun was setting
was he after all forgetting I am sensitive to light?
For my headache, I now know who to blame
To him it's all a game
Blurred vision, the lights too bright.!!!!
© 23 Sept. 1998
Sitting here! doodle,
Work to do! oodles,
What’s for tea?
I hate dogz!
Gotta go!
TeAnne © 23 Sept. 1998
TeAnne 1998
T & S
Twisted thumbs throbbed tacked
to the torsos' thereupon
The triangular threesome.
to the torsos' thereupon
The triangular threesome.
Single sisters snickered softly,
sighting sibling’s sufferings.
Sad Scenario!
sighting sibling’s sufferings.
Sad Scenario!
Triplets tattled the tales
thinking terrible twins
trouble twofold.
Thus thwarted.
thinking terrible twins
trouble twofold.
Thus thwarted.
TeAnne © May 9. 1999
Here I am, bleating out a 'woe is me' tale
I know, yet again, only to fail.
In the basket my writing, could chuck it
or soak, for paper mache, in a bucket.
I know not of this thing called a 'meter'
I only know it rhymes with a name like Peter.
To cleanse my soul, I write from my heart
much schooling not had, I'm not really smart....
I enjoy the writing when it cleanses my soul
it burns within me, like a white hot coal.
Purging from the inside, it makes me feel better
I would rather do it this way, than write an old letter.
Magical words, come in the dead of night
come the morn, they have all taken flight.
I know a good one, has come once in awhile
for on a face, I have created a smile.
Or death, unhappiness and fear
has caused another, to shed a tear.
Placement and form is a pain in the bum
read my words, then to the toilet, run.....
Critique me brutally, it is what I want and need
for then my brain, may compile and learn how to feed.
For stopping now, it may end in a crime
especially now, when I have this rhyme.
Inside the emotions might boil and erupt
if I don't get 'em on paper, before I'm corrupt.
I wish there were poetry meets to attend
then I could hear and follow my yen.
Though in the paper, thrice I was published
I seem to churn out works, that are just rubbish.
Favourite words, I try not, to re-use
new ones I learn, only to abuse......
To write like the masters, I'd really like to do it
think I should give up, before I get shot by a bullet.
Or go back to the paint, with brush in my hand
leaving the pen, to those, who, words understand.
But when I write, it makes others look good
so, I'll keep on doing it, till I am stone or wood.
I agree, as a writer I know I suck
and quite honestly, sometimes I just don't give a f...!
But mostly I do..........
I know, yet again, only to fail.
In the basket my writing, could chuck it
or soak, for paper mache, in a bucket.
I know not of this thing called a 'meter'
I only know it rhymes with a name like Peter.
To cleanse my soul, I write from my heart
much schooling not had, I'm not really smart....
I enjoy the writing when it cleanses my soul
it burns within me, like a white hot coal.
Purging from the inside, it makes me feel better
I would rather do it this way, than write an old letter.
Magical words, come in the dead of night
come the morn, they have all taken flight.
I know a good one, has come once in awhile
for on a face, I have created a smile.
Or death, unhappiness and fear
has caused another, to shed a tear.
Placement and form is a pain in the bum
read my words, then to the toilet, run.....
Critique me brutally, it is what I want and need
for then my brain, may compile and learn how to feed.
For stopping now, it may end in a crime
especially now, when I have this rhyme.
Inside the emotions might boil and erupt
if I don't get 'em on paper, before I'm corrupt.
I wish there were poetry meets to attend
then I could hear and follow my yen.
Though in the paper, thrice I was published
I seem to churn out works, that are just rubbish.
Favourite words, I try not, to re-use
new ones I learn, only to abuse......
To write like the masters, I'd really like to do it
think I should give up, before I get shot by a bullet.
Or go back to the paint, with brush in my hand
leaving the pen, to those, who, words understand.
But when I write, it makes others look good
so, I'll keep on doing it, till I am stone or wood.
I agree, as a writer I know I suck
and quite honestly, sometimes I just don't give a f...!
But mostly I do..........
TeAnne © Oct. 6. 1998
“Yoohoo, Mr Puss! Yoohoo, Mr Puss”! I hear a distant child's cry “Yoohoo, little child”! I want to call back! “Kitty is over here”! Yet these words are stuck in my throat. No matter how hard I try to make heard this silent utterance. I am struck dumb! For I am dreaming the child’s cries, as I slumber! TeAnne © Jan 27. 1999 |
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